How Wooden Toys Can Help You Develop Fine Motor Skills
A high-quality wooden toy is a fantastic way to promote fine motor skills. They’re also great for developing the ability to hold and grasp objects of various sizes and types. These toys can be designed in so many different ways to help promote different abilities. Check out these 4 benefits of using wooden toys for kids with developmental delays for more ideas on what kind of Wooden Toys will help your child develop their cognitive abilities.
Kinderfeets, the brand specializing in quality wooden toys, has designed a range of toybox walkers, wooden activity walkers and balance boards, adapted to each child’s age and ability.
More Than Just Feeling Good
Kids love to play with their toys. They crave to engage in creative play and want to do it with their favourite materials. They also like to explore their bodies and the various parts that make up them. Teetimes are filled with too many frustrations for kids with special needs. They need to play with authentic hardwood toys to develop their cognitive skills and feel good about themselves.
Development of Motor Skills
Your child’s development is a crucial part of helping them develop cognitive skills. Wooden toys are great for promoting fine motor skills as well as the development of gross and fine motor skills. They can be used to develop both gross and fine motor skills. When your child plays with wooden toys, they’re able to grip and manipulate things more effectively. This can help with fine motor skills like cutting, sewing, and embroidering. It can also help with writing and artistic skills as your child is encouraged to experiment with different materials. Wooden toys are also great for encouraging problem solving skills. This can help them identify problems and work towards solving them. They can also promote learning through play. This means that kids will spend more time playing with their wooden toys than with other types of toys. This gives their brains more to process and allows them to engage in more complex motor skills.
Wooden Toys for Kids with Cognitive Delays
Cognitive delays are a common condition in children that can cause impaired development. These typically appear between the ages of five and fifteen. In addition to developmental problems, cognitive delays can also be physically due to an injury or illness. The effects of cognitive delays are felt across the whole child and can impact academic performance and the quality of life. Some of the more common cognitive delays that kids with cognitive delays may face include: Difficulty with attention and concentration.
Poorly developed language skills.
Learning disabilities.
Poorly developed creative thinking skills.
Help with Vocabulary and Memory
Kids with cognitive disabilities often have poor vocabulary skills. This can be because they don’t know enough words or because they have language delays. Having an understanding of how to use a particular toy, tool, or object can encourage vocabulary development and be a huge help in social interactions. Words also form the basis for many other skills so it’s important to be able to use words correctly as well as frequently. If a child is having problems with vocabulary, it can be a good idea to retort with the word for that thing that they’re trying to use. This can encourage them to use the word correctly and can also help them improve their vocabulary.
Having a basic knowledge of terms can also help children understand the world around them better. This can improve problem-solving and logical thinking skills. Knowing more words also means your child will have more opportunities to learn new words and use them correctly.
Help with Problem Solving and Learning Skills
Kids with cognitive disabilities also often have challenges with problem solving and learning skills. This can result from a number of issues, but ones that can be addressed with wooden toys are recency and anticipation, sequencing, and mnemonic devices. A good way to promote these skills is to use a trigger word when giving a task. This can help your child understand the steps required to complete the task.
The benefits of using wooden toys for kids with developmental delays are almost too numerous to count. They provide a wonderful opportunity to help your child develop and strengthen their muscles, coordination, and cognitive skills. They can also help with the targeting and manipulation of fine motor skills. Wooden toys can be used to promote language, logical thinking, and problem solving as well as being used as communication devices.
This article has been designed to provide information on what wooden toys are, why they are useful, and how they can benefit your child.