Step by step process of wisdom tooth removal!
There are so many changes a person experiences throughout a lifetime considering their dental health. But among all of the tooth removal, one hits them hard. Tooth removal is a painful process, and no doubt, people who go for it have a fear as well. Majorly there is a need for wisdom teeth removal.
It happens due to inward growth or the cavities that may take place. The reason varies according to the person. While approaching a dentist for the procedure, there are many doubts that trouble people a lot. If you are someone seeking the treatment this time, keep reading.
Here we are discussing a step-by-step guide helpful in knowing the entire wisdom teeth removal process. Let’s get started!
Step by step process of wisdom tooth removal:
In this section, we are disclosing all the steps that a dentist follows to carry out the removal:
Step 1: Examining the wisdom teeth:
The primary step that dentists adopt is to examine the wisdom teeth. The examination is important for them to know the exact condition. Sometimes the wisdom teeth do not come out and are stuck in the gum only. This can be easily examined with the help of OPG, and other techniques dentists consider.
Step 2: medication for a while:
After examining the teeth, doctors prescribe medication for 2-7 days. This medication is important to prepare the wisdom teeth for removal. Usually, doctors do not consider removal immediately because this doesn’t turn out to be successful due to some other problems.
Step 3: On the day of removal:
When you reach out to the doctor on the day of removal, he will give anaesthesia. The anaesthesia application is important to make you stable for a while and lessen the pain. Wisdom teeth removal is painful, and doctors do not carry it out without anaesthesia. After getting anaesthesia, you need to wait for 15-30 minutes. This wait is to let anaesthesia show its impact on your body.
Step 4: carry out the removal:
When you’re under the effect of anaesthesia, doctors carry out the removal. They will let you be in a static position over the chair. They also provide you with some water so that if you feel you have a dry mouth, you can drink it. Along with that, with the help of dental equipment, they took the teeth out. There is a possibility that you will feel some pain during the removal process. It happens because sometimes the root of the wisdom teeth is embedded so deep and so strong that removal doesn’t become much easier.
Step 5: Keep you under observation:
After teeth removal for the next 60-120 minutes, the doctor will keep you under observation. This duration is important to make yo0u feel relaxed and stable. If they notice any uneasiness, they will recommend some other medications too.
Step 6: Tell you about precautions and medications:
When you start doing fine, doctors will give you the discharge, and you are all set to go home. But for recovery, they will suggest to you some medications which are important to take. Take them and follow all the precautions suggested by them.
This one is the entire process doctors follow for wisdom teeth removal. Be sure to reach out to an experienced doctor only. If you have approached someone who is not experienced, you will not be able to get the treatment seamlessly. If there is any doubt you are having considering the process, discuss the same with them so that doctors can understand your state of mind and help you to deal with it,