You Will Need The Window Cleaning Equipment
When it comes to cleaning your windows, it is crucial not only to have the right approach, but to have the right window cleaning gear. Below you will find the equipment that will give you shiny clean windows.
Window soap
To get the optimal results with window cleaning, it is necessary to have an effective soap mixture. Here, window soap is the ideal choice to use for mixing with water. But which window soap should you put in the shopping basket when looking for mirror-clear windows?
We have several different types of window soap on this page. Our preferred variant is Planta View from Buzil, which ensures a beautiful and strip-free result. Planta View is marked with the EU flower, which is the European eco-label. If you want a Swan-labeled classic window cleaner soap instead, we can recommend Jacobsens rengøring Window Soap, 1 L. This is also professional and effective window soap at a cheap price.
Alternatives to window soap
Some choose alternatively to use dishwashing liquid with salmiak for the soap mixture rather than window soap. However, this is not recommended as this solution gives a poorer and less effective result. At the same time, homemade soap blend is not necessarily a cheaper solution than the recommended window soap. Most window soaps are highly concentrated, which reduces the need for large dosages. This prolongs the life of the product. This ultimately means a cheap window cleaning and a financial saving. Especially when it comes to indoor window cleaning, window soap is preferable to the homemade soap blends. The commonly used ammonia spirit contains solvents, resulting in toxic fumes. This is especially bad for the indoor climate, which is why window soap is preferable.
Washers are a necessity for you who need to clean your windows. The Vinduespudser is used to dip in the soap mixture and soap the window in before using a scraper. A sink consists of two elements – a strip holder and a strip cover. The strip holder is held in the hand, while the applied strip cover ensures the actual washing. Often, however, it is possible to buy a complete dishwasher. We offer various strip holders from i.e. known Kids. We also have associated strip covers, i.e. an effective strip cover with extra long fibers which ensures a perfect wash-in.
Once the window has been washed in with the soap mixture, perhaps the most important tool is needed – a scraper. The scraper is used with a constant pressure on the window to remove the soapy water from the pane. A scraper consists of a handle and a rail. Scrapers are most often sold as complete with both handles and skins. At the same time, you can buy handles and rails separately elsewhere. We offer both options in our large selection of scrapers, rails and handles.
Cloth (for wiping edges)
A good cloth is paramount when it comes to the final touch of window cleaning. Several different cloths can be used to wipe the edges of the window. You can e.g. use a regular tea towel, performance tea towel and glass cloth. Unlike a normal tea towel, performance tea towels and glass cloths are specially developed for lint-free wiping of glass, which is why these are obvious choices for wiping.
Window cleaning does not have to be difficult or expensive. You have now learned both what to use for your window cleaning and how to easily wash your windows properly with 5 simple steps. With that knowledge, you should now have the perfect window cleaning recipe and be well equipped to make your dirty windows shiny again.