Looking for a Mint Vape Juice with No Nicotine? Try Cyclone Pods
I’m sure if you ask anybody their thoughts on smoking vapes vs. smoking cigarettes, there’s a big chance that the majority of them would prefer smoking vapes. Preferably, you would smoke nothing at all, since the nicotine contents in them can be quite damaging to your health, but, people have their vices. There are a number of reasons why many people would rather puff on a vape than a cigarette.
One of the reasons, and arguably the most important reason, is that they taste good. Depending on what kind of vape you are smoking, it can range on virtually an infinite variety of flavors, from tropical fruits to decadent dessert flavors, minty flavors, and everything in between. On the plus side, vapes don’t leave a lingering stench, won’t make your teeth turn yellow, and won’t leave a nasty taste in your mouth that is only gotten rid of with gum or mouthwash.
While smoking anything containing nicotine isn’t ideal, if you’re going to do it, the best way to go about it would be to use a vape. With vapes, whether those be box mods or disposable single-use vapes, you have a bit more control over the amount of nicotine you can inhale into your body.
Some vape pens or other devices of the sort allow you to add your own vape juice into a cartridge, which is where you have the freedom of flavor and nicotine content. But, with all this vaping talk, at the end of the day, you know that you shouldn’t be smoking anything with nicotine in it. Nicotine is a hard habit to kick, understandably. It’s highly addictive and it’s very hard to rid yourself of those cravings and addictions.
There are some instances where people are even trying to quit smoking nicotine vapes. There is a myriad of other reasons why one person or another would be addicted to vapes or cigarettes. One big reason is the nicotine, no doubt, but other things include their stress levels, their addiction to oral fixation, and other things of that nature.
The flavor of the vape plays a lot into why someone would continue to use their vape (of course, the nicotine is the main culprit.) If you’re someone who is looking to start the journey to quit nicotine, you might want to make the switch to no nicotine vapes. While the flavor may play a big role in your repetitive habit, with some sorts of non-nicotine vapes, like the ones at Cyclone Pods, you won’t have to sacrifice flavor in exchange for no nicotine.
Why Cyclone Pods?
Cyclone Pods is dedicated to helping you reach your goals of quitting nicotine for good. With vaping devices aimed at giving you the same vaping experience, with no nicotine, you can find the perfect product that will fulfill your needs. With many incredible flavors such as strawberry, coffee, vanilla, guava, traditional tobacco, and others like their mint vape juice with no nicotine, you can find the right device, whether that be in a pod system or disposable vapes.
Made right in the USA, Cyclone Pods is very well aware of what the quality of their products needs to be. Making the switch from a nicotine vape to a non-nicotine vape can be a hard one, so Cyclone Pods is there to make that transition as seamless as possible.
Check out our products at cyclonepods.com, where you can find our Thunder Device, Thunder Pods, Gust Disposables, and the new Gust Plus Disposable. Quitting nicotine never felt this easy!
For more information about Rechargeable Vape and Vape Pen Flavors No Nicotine Please visit: Cyclone Pods.