What is the salary of IAS Officer Per Month in India?
As per the rules of the 7th Pay commission, the salary of an IAS officer is between Rs.56,100/- to Rs.2,50,100/-. This is a very good salary compared to an average person with a degree in India. Apart from the Salary of an IAS Officer, they get other perks and benefits that make this job one of the most sought after jobs in India and increase the charm of this job that already exists among the people of India.
The salary of an IAS officer keeps increasing from the Entry Level Pay Scale to Higher Level Pay scale, provided he/she makes it through the next rank. The basic IAS officer salary is INR 56,100 per month, excluding allowances like TA, DA, HRA, and it can reach INR 2,50,000 for a Cabinet Secretary.
The salary of an IAS officer increases after every promotion. The hike in the pay scale of IAS officers is based on the time of service and promotion. The IAS Officer salary includes various allowances such as Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), Transport Allowance (TA) and more. The 7th pay commission has substantially increased the salary of IAS officers, including those in the pay scale of Rs 15,600 – 39,100. The detail of IAS officer salary pay scale is mentioned below.
There are 36 states, and Indian Civil Service Examination (Union Government) , Combined Defence Services Examination will recruit a certain number of candidates from the state. In the same way, they will recruit candidates who are willing to work in Union Territory, who are also called IAS officers. IAS is the dream job of every student who plans to join Civil Services, and why not? It is one of the most respectable jobs in India. The IAS examination is one of the most important and highly respected government services of India. Apart from the attractive IAS salary, candidates are also encouraged by the honor and pride that comes with being a top civil servant.
The salary structure, perks, and privileges offered to these bureaucrats are ample motivation for every student to fulfill their dreams. An IAS officer is the backbone of this country. A good IAS Officer is responsible for adequate water supply, electricity, implementing and executing policies and so much more. Know your salary here! The Indian Administrative Service (IAS) is one of the most prestigious jobs in India. Not only the salary, but the power, responsibilities and opportunity to serve the country also play big roles. Below we have mentioned every tiny detail about IAS officers.
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