How to Identify a Used Chevy Engine with VIN?
The process of buying a used Chevy engine largely relies on the VIN or identification code of the engine. Through this identification code, you can identify a Chevy engine’s model and assess its compatibility with your vehicle.
These numbers on the chevy engine block are recorded in an official Chevy engine block registry. It’s a seven-to-eight-digit code in which the prefix consists of five digits and the suffix can be either two digits or three digits. While the prefix denotes the date and the location of Chevy’s manufacture, the suffix consists of information regarding the size, model year, and the horsepower of the Chevy engine.
So, if you want to buy a quality used engine, you must know how to identify a chevy through this code. Here’s how you can do it.
Step 1
First, you must find the Chevy identification number on the engine block. The location of the number may vary as per the size and shape of the engine. So, look carefully for the identification number on the engine block.
Typically, the identification numbers on a small block V-8 Chevy engine with is close adjacent to the cylinder heads on the passenger’s side. It is adjacent to the front of the engine block. The alternator may be in the way but by looking closely, you’ll find the identification number.
On the other hand, the identification numbers on a big block engine are on the covering of the timing chain. In a V6 engine, it is on the distributor, which is on the passenger’s side of the engine.
Step 2
Next, you have to decipher the Chevy engine identification number one by one from prefix to suffix to identify the engine. The number is a seven eight-digit combination of numerical and letters. The prefix explains the location and date of the Chevy engine’s manufacture.
For example, a Chevy engine with the identification number S1014CTY was manufactured in Saginaw (S) on October (10) the 14th (29).
Then you can proceed to decipher the suffix of Chevy engine identification number. It’s usually just two-to-three characters that tell the displacement of the engine, the horsepower, and the year & model of the vehicle.
By that logic, the CTY suffix in an identification number will refer to a 1970 Camaro with a 396 cid and 375 horsepower. You can also reference the online identification guide to ensure an exact match.
Final Thoughts
Buying a used car engine for sale is mostly about getting the right engine model that’s compatible with your vehicle. Identifying an engine with the help of engine code will help you in that process. So, follow these steps to identify the corresponding chevy engine and find that used engine at Used Engines Inc. You’ll get cheap used engines of high quality there.