Essential Steps in the Creation of Websites for the German Market
The German market is a huge one, with over 80 million people. It is the largest economy in the Eurozone and is a significant source of exports for technology and multi-nationals. Because of its skilled labor force, German websites can reap significant benefits from streamlining them for this market. Translating your website into German is just the first step, but there are other essential steps involved in localizing a website for the Germany market.
If you want to succeed in the German market, you should adapt your website to the way they speak. Compared to English speakers, Germans prefer to communicate with companies in their own language. For this reason, you should consider developing a website in their language. While this may seem time-consuming, it will help you build a loyal following. Remember that 70% of Germans speak English, so your website should be bilingual.
In addition to localization, you should also consider payment methods. While you can use PayPal for online payments, German customers are often more likely to use other methods. This can save you time and money and ensure that you’re getting the most out of your website. In addition to paying extra to have your site translated, German consumers will be able to purchase more of your product. A localized website will increase your chances of success.
Another major factor is the use of language in your website. While the US and UK markets have seen a rapid growth in mobile usage, Germans are still far behind. Only five per cent of searches take place on mobile devices. Facebook is growing fast, but StudiVZ is outpacing it with forty per cent of the market. Additionally, Germans appreciate online content that is descriptive and localized. The German consumer is loyal to products made in Germany.
You should make sure your website is ready for the German market. You should also consider localizing content. If you have an English-language website, you should use English-based content for it to attract the German market. If your website isn’t localized, your customers will not be able to understand what you’re trying to say. It’s important to be culturally accurate when introducing new products to a new market.
When creating a website for the German market, you must make changes to the date and currency. For example, in German, numbers are always written with a dot, which makes it easier to read them. You should also change the way that you display currency in German. For example, when displaying a price, it is better to use euros, rather than pounds. These are more common in Germany than in the US, and your German website should reflect this as well.