DMARC: The Ransomware Vaccine
Recently, there has been a lot of talk in the business regarding ransomware. It makes the news almost every other day. With companies around the world holding their breath, fearful of becoming victims of the next major ransomware assault, it is now time to act.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could avoid a ransomware assault in the first place? Domain owners may use DMARC to make this apparently implausible claim a possibility!
Over time, your DMARC deployment will provide several benefits, including an improvement in email deliverability and a stronger domain reputation. DMARC is often referred to as the initial line of security against ransomware.
The Dangers Associated with Ransomware
Ransomware is harmful software that infiltrates your computer without your knowledge. It then encrypts your data, which you can only recover by paying a charge.
Once a ransomware virus has gotten access to your system, it may wreak havoc, not to mention that resolving ransom requests is costly. It is catastrophic for a company that relies on access to important data kept on its systems.
When email authentication mechanisms aren’t in place, fraudsters may simply impersonate you and send bogus emails to your clients, partners, and even internal workers. Attachments or files carrying ransomware may be included in these fraudulent email communications.
If any of your workers open the email, your entire business is in danger of having vital information compromised. Furthermore, if the phishing email contains ransomware and is delivered to and read by your clients and partners who believe it is from you, your company’s reputation would suffer.
The possibility of ransomware attacks performed using spoofing methods on your domain results in your domain being compromised. This can possibly lead to your business failing, your customers losing faith, and the loss of data and financial assets.
How can DMARC help you fight ransomware?
When you implement DMARC in your business’s email channels, you ensure that email recipients only receive communications from valid sources that you have approved. You can use DMARC to direct your email receiving servers to prohibit emails that seem suspicious or are coming from unauthorized sources. The chance of malware being sent via bogus emails is considerably minimized in this manner.
In their Ransomware Protection Guide, the U.S. government’s Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency recommends that all enterprises, including government entities, install DMARC as soon as feasible to limit the possibility of fake or maliciously modified emails from seemingly valid domains. This is because DMARC is based on email authentication standards such as SPF and DKIM, which validate sending origins and ensure that your receivers are never misled.
Implementing a DMARC analyzer in your business guarantees that you are fully protected from impersonation. This tool makes it simple to establish DMARC for your domain and transition to an enforced policy in a matter of days.
This eventually leads to:
- Reduces the likelihood of attackers spoofing your domain.
- Prevents the distribution of bogus emails to your recipients and increases confidence among your business partners.
- Reduces the success rate of ransomware attacks on your customers.
- Improves email delivery and domain reputation Gives you an early warning against any assaults targeting your brand.
While DMARC can assist you to limit ransomware assaults by preventing your domain name from being faked, keep in mind that attackers are continually altering their techniques and improving their software. Social engineering assaults are becoming more sophisticated with time, making them more difficult to identify and avoid.
Because humans are prone to error, advising your customers and staff not to click on harmful links is worthless. Instead, you should take issues into your own hands. Sign up now for EmailAuth‘s DMARC services!
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