Tips To Make The Right Decision While Choosing The Best Golf Course Mowers!
Due to the post-lockdown revival of golf worldwide in 2020, demand for new golf course equipment has skyrocketed, with orders 30 percent ahead of what many manufacturers projected.
As a result, golf course superintendents should begin planning for the forthcoming season. Golf clubs should consider the following aspects when determining their golf course equipment needs.
Step Forward With Medium-Term Approach
Golf course superintendents should think about what they need now and what they’ll need in the future three to five years, including must-haves and nice-to-haves. The list can then be prioritized, with investments staggered over time based on the Club’s budget and other considerations.
Unfortunately, such investment isn’t something that can be done once and for all. The annual investment necessitates ensuring that the maintenance work remains in good working order. The course maintenance team must have the resources necessary to uphold the golf course’s high standards.
Learn About Your Requirements To Prioritize Well
Many golf clubs, particularly those that require mowers, do not pay enough time or attention to reviewing and analyzing the standards required for each piece of golf course equipment they require. Going to the market to get a price on a golf green mower is pointless because the specs of the equipment on offer might be vastly different. Choosing the wrong golf course equipment for the job is a common error.
To ensure competitive bids with no surprises, make sure the mower you’re trying to price is the right one for the task and include as much data as possible in the specification. Golf course mowers, the number of blades, groomers or no groomers, rear roller brushes, illumination, and accessories are all factors to consider.
New Or Used Golf Course Mowers?
Each golf club must assess its individual demands to determine whether new or used equipment is the best solution. If the clubs are financially sound, it is recommended that they acquire new equipment. Warranties on current golf course equipment are 4+ times longer, giving you additional peace of mind. Furthermore, because used golf course equipment depreciates more quickly than new equipment, the annual cost to the Club’s profit and loss may be less substantial, despite the purchase price difference.
Decide Toro Or Jacobsen Golf Course Mowers?
There may be a bias toward a certain brand or supplier within a course. For example, one may advocate for a Jacobsen golf course mower, but the Club may have historically used Toro golf course mowers; as a result, any recommendation or decision must be based on facts and data. It may make sense to stay with a certain brand to provide yourself with more alternatives when analyzing the makeup of your remaining fleet.
The challenge is to determine which unit best meets your demands and makes the most sense concerning the rest of your fleet’s golf course equipment. At the end of the day, these factors take precedence over price.
Bottom Line:
You must be wondering where to begin your search; for that, go to Statewide Turf Equipment’s website and seek used golf course mowers for sale. It’s the ideal place to browse for top-of-the-line golf course maintenance equipment and have it delivered straight to your house.