How to Keep a Gecko As a Pet?
Before you start caring for a Gecko, make sure you have all the necessary supplies, such as hides and food. These animals need a warm, humid terrarium. You will also need to clean the tank regularly, since geckos are very quick and may get ill if they are handled often. A leopard gecko needs an aquarium that is at least 30 cm long and eight inches high, and a high humidity level.
A leopard gecko needs an environment that is relatively dry. The ideal tank is a ten-gallon tank with an easy-to-clean setup, with about 30-40 percent humidity. You can create this environment with a half coconut shell, rocks, branches, and plants. While many people choose to buy artificial plants, live plants can be used if they are safe for geckos.
A gecko’s home should have a comfortable temperature. It’s best to keep more than one male together, or else he’ll fight. A 20-gallon tank is usually enough space for two geckos, but a larger tank is always better. The tank should have a hiding place and climbing obstacles for your pet to use. If you have a large aquarium, consider putting some cardboard boxes or plastic containers. You can also put damp items in their habitats to facilitate shedding.
Geckos are nocturnal creatures, so they don’t do well in bright places. Their tanks should have appropriate substrate. Don’t use soil, as it can increase the humidity in the tank and can cause health issues for your pet. Instead, use sterile woodchips or other substrate made for geckos. This is what the specialised substrate is for! You can also add some fresh water to the tank, which will help the gecko stay healthy.
The first thing you need to do is set up a tank. You will need a tank that is about twenty to thirty gallons in size. It should be a comfortable place to live, and be damp for a few days before introducing your pet to it. It will be more content and healthy to have a damp habitat. If the tank isn’t moist, you can use a plastic container.
While geckos are generally nocturnal, they will need to have a place to hide during the day. A cork hiding structure can be helpful, as can two separate hiding places. Ideally, there will be two separate hiding places per gecko. As for the water, the tank should be clean and well-ventilated. This prevents the emergence of parasites and helps the gecko to be healthier.