Usage Of Telemetry Systems In The Detection Of Heart Problems
Telemetry is a powerful tool for real time monitoring of the heart rhythm and QRS pattern of a patient. Biomedical telemetry systems are extensively used in hospitals, clinics, homes, ambulances, and other healthcare institutions. They ideally are used as a part of an external biomedical monitoring and diagnostic system to gather data and administer therapy. Philips MX40 telemetry systems are particularly used in many modern hospitals. This is a wearable monitor that boasts of featuring cutting-edge technology, intelligent design, and innovative features. Philips MX40 is a light device that is small enough to be comfortably worn by ambulatory patients. This system is durable, easy to clean and disinfect. It features a unique cable connector that is designed to reduce the collection of soil and liquids, as well as a case design that withstands high level disinfectants, including periodic sterilization.
Usage of GE Telemetry for cardiac monitoring helps in the early detection of heart problems. Heart disease takes a number of lives across the planet every year, making cardiac monitoring extremely important. Detection of treatable heart issues early can go a long way in saving actual lives. Telemetry system can especially help in identifying:
- Myocardial infarction: A heart attack or myocardial infarction refers to a blockage of blood flow to the heart. It can take place suddenly. If the heart does not receive fresh blood in time, its tissues rapidly die. This subsequently affects circulation to the rest of the body and may lead to tissue death all over. Once tissue death occurs, the damage caused cannot be reversed. Detecting myocardial infarction swiftly allows doctors to open up the blockage promptly and limit the amount of damage caused by the heart attack.
- Heart arrhythmia: Arrhythmia essentially refers to abnormal heartbeat, and usually it happens without cause for concern. However, proper monitoring is needed to allow doctors to watch for abnormal patterns that could be an indication of any serious issue with the heart or any kind of another underlying condition. Atrial fibrillation occurs when the heart beats too fast and irregularly. Such an arrhythmia requires immediate attention as it can ultimately result in a heart failure or stroke if it is not treated properly. A telemetry system can pick up these changes in the heart beat and allow for early intervention. A heart rhythm takes place when disorganized electrical signals cause the ventricles to quiver and may cause sudden cardiac arrest, making immediate detection extremely vital.
Details about cutting-edge telemetry systems and popular hospital equipment like PHILIPS MP60 can be found online.