10 Things to Know about Sole Representative Visa of Overseas Business
Eligibility and Requirements for UK Sole Representative of Overseas Business
If the aspirant is applying for UK Sole Representative of Overseas Business also the aspirant must meet the UK Immigration Conditions to be eligible as a representative of the overseas business.
- They must be signed and employed outside the UK by a company whose headquarters and top place of business are outside the UK.
- They must hold a elderly position within the overseas business.
- They’re in damage of a payment from their employer for at least 12 months
- They must have full authority to take functional opinions on behalf of the overseas business for the purpose of representing it in the UK.
- They mustn’t be a major shareholder of the overseas business (the aspirant’s shareholdings can not be over 50).
- They must intend to work full time as the representative of the overseas business.
- They mustn’t intend to take any other employment.
- They be applying to be the sole representative in the UK of an overseas employer who intends to establish and operate a listed branch or wholly- possessed attachment of that overseas business in the UK and that branch or attachment will operate in the same type of business exertion as the overseas business.
- They mustn’t take expedient to public finances.
- They must need the needed standard in the English Language
Keep up to date with the requirements with The SmartMove2UK so you don’t fall behind in your preparation process. For any help with either meeting one of the requirements mentioned above, or to further your application process for the Sole Representative Visa UK, contact The SmartMove2UK. You can call at +91 98191 27002 or Email at info@smi.legal