Are Men’s Supplements Worth The Try For Better Health?
Almost everyone in this world thinks that to compensate for the nutrition deficits in the body, one must consume healthy and dietary food. However, as much as it rings true, it is wishful thinking. No matter how much healthy foods you consume, after a certain age, your body is not able to process the complex food materials…..Learn more
Are men’s supplements even that healthy?
According to a study published in ‘The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)’ in November 2008, some health researchers deduced that neither vitamin E nor C plummets the risk of cardiovascular disease. Additionally, another study also reported the negligent effect of consuming vitamin E or C on a man’s risk of developing prostate or total cancers.
Contrarily, research conducted by PHS II researchers stated that beta carotene supplements can have positive effects on a man’s cognitive abilities. In addition to that, beta carotene supplements, when consumed with vitamins E and C and zinc, can reduce the development of age-related macular degeneration, which often catalyses blindness.
Top five men’s supplements that everyone should consume
The consumption of supplements is often believed to relate to the reduction in the risk of acquiring diseases and maintaining overall well-being….Learn more
1. Calcium
As mentioned previously, calcium helps in strengthening your muscles, bones and nerves. Calcium, as a supplement, is advised to consume from the early 20s to aid in the development of strong and healthy bones. The sources of calcium, apart from supplements capsules, are dark-green vegetables, cees, milk, yoghurt, sardines, fruits and salmon.
2. Vitamin D
The movement of your muscles depends upon the proportion of vitamin D. Additionally, this vitamin aids in maintaining a strong immune system and helps your body in absorbing calcium in your body. You can consume orange juice, cereals, milk, fatty fish yoghurt and obviously, soak yourself in sunlight.
3. Vitamin C
Lack of vitamin C often results in the occurrence of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or enlargement of the prostate in older men, which poses a problem in urination. Therefore, the consumption of vitamin C is extremely important….Continue reading