What is Heart Valve Disease?- Symptoms and Treatment
Heart valve disease is a severe condition. Many patients discover the symptoms in the early stage. The heart is a crucial part of the body that pumps and regulates blood flow. The heart voice is a part of the heart. That normally regulates blood to flow in various directions. Normally, there are four valves in the heart: open tricuspid and closed mitral valves and open and closed aortic valves. According to the cardiologist in Chennai, heart valve diseases can cause serious problems. Therefore, a patient shall take immediate treatment for the same.
What is heart valve disease?
A heart valve disease occurs if the damaged valve fails to regulate the flow of blood. Your heart has four valves that keep the flow of blood in the heart. It happens that the valves don’t open. Due to this reason, the circulation of blood gets stuck. When the blood is not regulated in the body, then other organs face serious complications.
Valves rupture, and it gets difficult to repair them. Besides, it causes chest pain, abdominal swelling, and dizziness in patients. An irregular heartbeat can also occur.
Types of Valve Diseases
Valve stenosis: It is the opening of the valves that are narrowed and do not open fully. In this condition, there is a restriction in blood flow through the valve.
Valve regurgitation: In this condition, the valve does not close properly, and it causes leakage in the valves. If any of the valves are affected, then the mitral and aortic valve gets damaged.
Artesia: Artesia is caused when one valve isn’t formed, and a solid sheet of tissue gets blocked. In addition, the blood flow between the heart chamber.
Aortic aneurysm: Aortic aneurysm is a balloon-like bulge in the aorta. The flow of blood can split into the layers of the artery wall. It causes leakage and bleeding in the aortic valve. You may encounter heart vibration and fatigue.
Atrial fibrillation: It is a disease of the heart valve that causes irregular heart rhythm.
Cardiomyopathy: It is an inherited disease of the heart muscle. You may encounter shortness of breath with exertion.
Mitral valve prolapse occurs when the mitral valve does not close properly and causes blood to flow back to the atrium. The patient discovers fatigue, chest pain, and shortness of breath.
Bicuspid aortic valve disease: It is a disease that occurs in a person born with an aortic valve that has two flaps. The patient experienced chest pain and dizziness.
Symptoms of Heart Valve Disease
Shortness of breath
Chest pain
Swelling in the ankles and feet.
Dizziness and fainting
Irregular heartbeat
Pulmonary edema
Heart palpitations
Water retention
Lower extremities in the abdomen
What are the causes?
There are numerous causes of heart valve diseases. It includes:
Infective endocarditis
Rheumatic fever
A heart attack
Coronary artery disease
Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disorder
Aortic aneurysm
Valve Replacement Surgery- An Overview
The valve replacement is the procedure that involves the replacement of the diseased valve with a healthy one. It is an open-heart procedure; the doctor provides general anesthesia. The cardiologist will make an incision in the heart. You can expect a very long incision.
A valve is replaced, and a new valve is transplanted. A donor provides the new valve. In addition, the chest incision is closed with stitches. The surgery usually takes up to 4 to 5 hours to process. You may need 2 to 3 months to recover from the surgery. Till then, the patient has to stay at the hospital for the same.
The damaged valve is then sent for examination. You may get a blood transfusion for the loss of blood that occurred during the surgery. Surgery can treat many valve diseases. Besides, like every other surgery, it does have side effects; it includes:
Blood clot
Irregular heartbeat
Reduced kidney function
Heart valve infection
Lung or bladder problems
Wound infections
Potential aortic valve
Breathing problems
Allergic reactions due to anesthesia.
In some people with heart valve disease, the symptoms do not appear in the early stage. Heart valve diseases can create major problems in the aortic and mitral valves. As soon as the sign appears, seek medical advice from a cardiologist in Chennai. You may experience swelling in the ankles and feet.
Valves diseases are curable if they are treated on time. Valve replacement surgery is one of the efficient options. The cardiologist teamed up with the anesthesiologist and trained nurse to
perform the surgery. The disease can also occur in adults due to many conditions. Once the valve infects, it is necessary to repair it as soon as possible.
Where can I get treatment for valve disease?
When one of the valves fails to function, then the heart stops functioning the blood. No doubt, it can create numerous complications. Therefore, immediate treatment shall be a priority. Cardiologist in Chennai provides complete treatment guidance for the same. You can book an appointment with the top cardiologist through an online platform.