Ways to Increase Student Engagement Through Technology
The image source is Pexels.
Technology has transformed how we interact with each other in nearly all industries. Not everyone has found out how to make use of technology effectively, though. Most of the time, teachers seem to follow the same curriculums that they have been using for years. These it sounds like they get the job done, for the most part, but things could be better. Luckily, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to learn how to improve. Anyone who worries about their teaching should benefit from the following advice.
Incorporate Augmented Reality Into Their Homework
Develop an app for your course, and have all of your students downloaded. Then, have them use the app to take advantage of the smartphone’s sensors. Send them on a scavenger hunt to find things relevant to their studies. Although it’s new, augmented reality has already made a huge impact on education. Younger students tend to perform incredibly well using it. Perhaps, it’s because of how much more engaging it can be. Still, students seem to enjoy learning while using augmented reality quite a bit.
Have Them Learn How to Program Basic Computer Languages
Teaching programming has quickly become one of the most important subspecialties of education. With computers so ubiquitous, it’s not too difficult to see why. Giving your students the opportunity to learn how to code could be great. Not only will they develop valuable skills, but they’ll probably find it interesting.
Give Them the Option to Take Their Courses Remotely
Nowadays, people have hectic lives. Not everyone can easily make it to class, even if it’s not a big deal to you. That doesn’t mean they don’t want to learn. No, It just means they don’t have an ideal learning environment. Instead of forcing them to attend even though it’s difficult, let them take their class online. Motivated students tend to do just as well when they are learning online. So, if the student would like to do well, it’ll give them a better chance. Plus, by giving them the option, they’ll feel as if you really listen to them. That alone will make them a lot more likely to pay attention in class.
Connect Them to Other Research Teams Around the World
See if you can find our research team relevant to your topic of study. Then, reach out to them to set up an online meeting. Whenever you meet with them, you can tell your students to pummel them with questions. Most young students prefer learning from someone who is actively in their field. Fortunately, it’s easy to connect with such individuals, thanks to the internet.
Show Them Their Lessons Using Visual Media
Don’t forget, not everyone learns in the same way. Certain people seem to have a much easier time picking up on a concept if it is shown to them. Others might not learn it well unless they can read about it. Take advantage of all the technology by demonstrating things using several methods. In other words, try to hit all of the bases. It’s easy enough that there’s no reason for you not to do it.
Have Them Answer Questions During Class by Using a Clicker Remote
Hand out small clicker remotes to your students. This will let them respond to questions during class. While you are giving your lessons, respond to a question occasionally. Then, award them extra credit depending on how they answer. This will encourage them to pay attention, but it won’t penalize them if they don’t know everything yet. Plus, students who are extra attentive during class can get a leg up on their exams. That’ll offset any performance Issues from people who don’t handle pressure well. They’ll be able to make up for their test anxiety by paying attention during class.
Getting Your Students More Engaged Through the Use of Technology
Student engagement is one of the most important metrics for teachers to track. The more engaged your students are, the better they are learning. Luckily, using technology to boost student engagement isn’t all that difficult. There are a ton of things you can do, literally.