The Most Intriguing Dinosaur Fossils to be Ever Found
The world of dinosaurs is nothing but fascinating. The entire idea of a large creature roaming around on the face of the earth millions of years ago seems all sorts of intriguing. While most of our knowledge about dinosaurs comes from their representation in popular cultures, such as films like Jurassic Park, fossils, preserved remains, impressions, or traces of these once-living creatures tell us a lot about the past geological age and evolution. And even today, paleontologists have been digging these fossils in various corners of the earth in a bid to unearth more information about these creatures.
These now-extinct creatures have become a thing of fascination for not only paleontologists but even those who aren’t necessarily in the field of science and evolution. In fact, fossil collection is now seen beyond its scope of research and scientific study as a hobby.
If you are one of those who have been thoroughly intrigued by the world of dinosaurs and their remains, here is a list of the most interesting fossils to be ever found.
The Largest Tyrannosaurus Rex Ever Found
Sue is the largest, best-preserved, and most complete T-rex ever to be discovered. She was discovered by Sue Hendrickson in 1990 (hence the name). This T-Rex was found in South Dakota’s Cheyenne River Sioux reservation on a cattle ranch owned by Maurice Williams and is 40.5 feet long and stands 13 feet tall when measured at her hip. Studies have found that Sue was 28 years old at the time of death—the oldest T. rex known until Trix was found in 2013. You’d be surprised to know that before Before Sue’s discovery, paleontologists had only ever discovered up to 60% complete fossils of T-rexes.
If you are a fossil enthusiast, you can now get a tyrannosaurus rex tooth for sale at Buried Treasure Fossils.
Dinosaur Feces
Paleontologists discovered the feces of dinosaurs which date back to around 65 million years. Also known as coprolites, fossilized feces were first found in the early 20th century. Since then, they have served as a crucial source of information that helps scientists understand the type of food that different dinosaurs used to eat.
A Sea Monster Giving Birth
A fossil of an ichthyosaur—extinct carnivorous marine reptiles giving birth to three children was found in 2010 in Yorkshire, England. Although researchers couldn’t identify the size or species of the ichthyosaur because the remains were poorly preserved, the fossil challenges the otherwise prevalent notion that such sea creatures, despite being reptiles, laid eggs.
A Fossilized Fight
Discovered in Mongolia in 1971, the fossils of a Velociraptor and Protoceratops mid-fight is perhaps the most fascinating of them all. The former being an herbivore, was found with his claw locked to his prey’s carotid artery, and it is believed that they were killed by a falling landmass while fighting. This fossil alludes to the rampant predatory behavior among dinosaurs.
If you are intrigued by the world of dinosaurs and are looking for rare fossils, we have Pachycephalosaurus and tyrannosaurus rex teeth for sale. To get your hands on one of these rare fossils, reach out to us at Buried Treasure Fossils.
The author deals in all kinds of rare fossils, and this article is about fascinating fossils to be ever found.