To start your involvement with ocean it is important to visit any port in Runescape
I received this email and i noticed it was bogus – just slightly off in its appearance RuneScape 2007 Gold. So be careful and do not follow the links provided in these emails. Always visit the website you believe to be correct. These email addresses are often an attraction for “strange places” therefore it’s an C&P of an LAGEX copycat website.
This is an automated email sent by Jagex Ltd., the makers of RuneScape, FunOrb and publishers of War of Legends. Dear Player Your account has been permanently blocked from Real World Trading. Go to the Account Management appeal section to find evidence of your infringements and appeal any that you feel are unfair.
We are aware of a recent bug in our system for offending, some accounts may have received a void offence. Most void offenses were removed, but we ca! While most void offenses were removed, we cannot assure you that all of them were. We encourage all users to visit the appeal section to make an appeal against unjustified system errors. Many thanks.
So ya! Do not mention this on RSOF. Or you could be banned like now… I would like to see a.GIF saying “Don’t be a jerk to RSOF Kids!” Jagex changed the alch price of natural runes to the 70GP range. My screenshot from Other RS Media shows how some gamers got mad at Jagex for disclosing the information. You could sell them for 3gp prior to today’s secret update Buy RuneScape Gold. Additionally, the cost of alch for all other runes has been decreased.