5 Benefits Of Organic Fertilizer That You Should Know About!
Around 80% of American households prefer purchasing organic products of all types, so there’s no denying that organic products are going to remain popular for the foreseeable future.
When it comes to a product like organic fertilizer for residential and commercial gardening purposes, it makes sense how countless organizations think organic fertilizer is the future of the entire industry. There certainly is a lot that everyone needs to know when it comes to organic fertilizers, and this is largely because there are many associated benefits when people go the organic route for their fertilization efforts.
We’ve very lucky to have teamed up with the organic fertilizer specialists at Organic AG Products to support us in the development of this list oriented around 5 benefits of organic fertilizer that all gardeners should know about. So take it from the industry experts in that the following benefits should make you consider going organic for your garden’s fertilizing needs!
What Exactly Is Organic Fertilizer?
The first thing you should know is what exactly organic fertilizer is. Organic fertilizer is typically developed through animal/plant waste or compost. These products are capable of being processed very efficiently to develop a product that’s conducive for gardening needs.
What Are The Benefits Of Utilizing an Organic Fertilizer?
There undoubtedly are many benefits associated with organic fertilizers that you should know about, but the following benefits are particularly important:
Improving Soil Structure
Due to the abundance of organic matter that’s inevitably found within an organic fertilizer, gardeners can rather quickly start to see dramatic improvements in terms of soil structure. This is particularly important when it comes to your soil’s capacity to hold and retain water, which then subsequently has a positive effect on nutrient intake.
Microbial Development
What a lot of residential gardeners don’t understand is that chemical fertilizers comprise of chemical molecules that don’t contain any carbon. These chemical molecules are many times very detrimental to microbes within your garden’s soil, and this can end up disrupting your garden’s progress.
Organic fertilizer on the other hand is always made of organic matter, which is exactly what soil microbes love. Organic fertilizer will also always contain carbon and other natural nutrients like phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. This is exactly what microbes need to grow and develop, which then is incredibly beneficial for the overall strength and durability of your plants.
Eco-Friendly & Sustainable
One of the worst aspects of chemical fertilizers is that there will inevitably be runoff that’s chemical to nearby waterways and other parts of ecosystems. This runoff is many times very bad for water quality and all marine life.
Organic fertilizers however do not create that much run off at all, and this is partly because they’re very good for soil structure. Organic fertilizer will help you to develop your garden’s overall biodiversity a lot more as compared to synthetic fertilizers.
Reducing Pesticides and Fertilizers
Organic fertilizers are likely to cost more as compared to synthetic counterparts, but what’s great about organic fertilizer from price standpoint is that you’ll essentially eliminate the need for things like pesticides. This makes organic fertilizer much more cost neutral, and in many situations it can actually help gardeners save money.
Avoiding Plant Damage
It’s likely that a chemical fertilizer will instigate all sorts of different plant damage, including issues associated with roots and leaves. This is much less likely to occur when you utilize an organic fertilizer.
Reach Out To The Gardening Experts At Organic AG Products To Learn More About Organic Fertilizer!
There’s a lot that you can learn when it comes to organic fertilizers, and this page really only is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the abundance of information oriented around these incredible gardening products.
Contact the fertilizer specialists at Organic AG Products via the link at the top of the article to learn more about organic fertilizers!