Can Ayuveda Be Effective For Irregular Period?
Not all women have periods like clockwork, every 28 days on the exact date. As long as you get your periods anywhere between 21 and 35 days for every menstrual cycle, it is usually considered normal. The problem of irregular periods is identified when you often get your periods in less than 21 days and more than 35 days. Also, symptoms like severe clotting, bloating, unbearable cramps, unusually heavy flow, or very sparse flow are reflective of irregular or abnormal periods. Unlike Allopathic hormonal pills that treat the problem only superficially, Irregular Periods Treatment in Ayurveda aims at correcting the root cause with natural methods that are in complete harmony with your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
Understanding the Root Causes of Irregular Periods
Irregular Periods can have multiple triggering factors. PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disorder) is the most prominent cause of irregular periods in today’s times. It is a partly genetic and partly lifestyle disorder that increases the Androgen levels in the female body, thereby causing overall hormonal imbalance. This enlarges the ovaries, causes the emergence of small, fluid-filled cysts in them, and hampers regular ovulation. This is further triggered by wrong eating habits, lack of exercise, mental anxiety, poor sleep, and exposure to pollutants.
Women who don’t suffer from PCOD can still have irregular periods due to any of the following factors:-
- Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism
- Diabetes or Hypertension
- Endometriosis or Polyps/Fibroids in the Uterus
- Any infection that causes inflammation of the pelvic zone
- Early Menopause
Time-tested Methods for Irregular Periods Treatment in Ayurveda
- Apart from detecting the physiological trigger for irregular periods (any of the aforementioned conditions, a certified Ayurvedic Practitioner will always commence treatment with the Prakriti Analysis of your body. Based on a detailed questionnaire about your physique, lifestyle, habits, moods, cravings, nature, and so on, your body type and probable Doshas are identified.
- It is a known fact that Vata (a combination of space element and air element) is responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle. To be specific, it is the Apana Vayu component of the Vata that controls the flow in every cycle. The Prakriti Analysis and various tests (hormones, blood sugar test etc) will shed light on what is exactly causing the Apana Vayu Dosha.
- Irregular Periods Treatment in Ayurveda makes use of a combination of therapeutic techniques and holistic measures to ensure that the Vata Dosha is corrected. So there is no need to take any strong medication, unlike Western Medicine that propounds the use of harmful birth control pills to regularize periods. (While these pills might seem to work instantly, the irregularity will bounce back the minute you get off them.)
- The most important aspect of irregular periods treatment in Ayurveda is making the required changes in your diet and lifestyle. The Apana Vayu is adversely affected by a sedentary lifestyle and a high-calorie diet. As much as possible switching over to a natural, healthy diet and including physical activity in your daily routine will help in regulating your menstrual cycle.
- The Panchakarma therapy for treating irregular periods comprises of the Vasti treatment which involves systematic administration of medicinal oil into the anal region, followed by enema to flush out the accumulated toxins that are constricting the menstrual cycle. Once a sufficient level of detoxification has been achieved, Udar Lepam therapy is carried out by applying a medicated paste on the outer parts of the lower body. Vaman and Virechana treatments are also carried out depending on the severity of the patient’s condition.
- Yogic exercises that harmonize the flow of energy in the pelvic zone are recommended. These include the Dhanurasana, Ustrasana, Malasana, Baddha Konasana, and Matsyasana, to name a few.
- The consumption of excessive caffeine, alcohol, sugary foods, processed foods, and smoking is discouraged lifelong. This is because the Dosha imbalance which is corrected by Panchakarma, Yoga, and Diet/Lifestyle Modifications will begin accumulating again if you don’t refrain from these habits.
Not only does Ayurveda provide a natural and long-term cure for irregular periods, it also helps in boosting your fertility and overall reproductive health. If you are suffering from PCOS, Hirsutism, Infertility, or any Menstrual Disorder, then relying on Irregular Periods Treatment in Ayurveda is the safest, most effective, and affordable option for you.