NBA 2K21 flexes one of its bigger changes along with The Neighborhood
In 2010 NBA 2K11 became the first game in the series to feature retired players on the cover, namely Michael Jordan 2k22 mt. Jordan was back as the cover athlete for NBA 2K12, with limited edition Magic Johnson and Larry Bird covers also being made available. NBA 2K13 is the first time that several players have appeared on the same cover. Derrick Rose, Blake Griffin and Kevin Durant are among them.
NBA 2K14 had the debut cover with LeBron James as the cover star. NBA 2K15 featured Kevin Durant. NBA 2K16 featured three covers featuring stars James Harden and Stephen Curry. Each NBA 2K Game Of The 2010s Sorted From Worst to Best.
NBA games have been extremely popular over the years, as many basketball fans also take pleasure in the games. There were times when people weren’t willing to attend a game. This is due to the fact that certain basketball games may take long to get scheduled as well, which is especially true over the last couple of months. Fortunately there are games that allow for this. NBA 2K video games allow any fan to play basketball at any time whenever they want, since it attempts to mimic the actual experience as accurately as it can.
There are a variety of 2K NBA games and it’s inevitable that some games have more merit than others. In this regard we’ve compiled a list of the NBA games from the past twenty years that are ranked from worst to highest based on their Metacritic ratings. 2K Sports’ NBA 2K series is the top basketball game buy mt nba 2k22. It’s been a dominant player in the game for more than two decades and has been responsible for the majority of the innovation found in modern basketball games.