Everything You Must Know About Power Chain Braces
Braces are a type of dental appliance that Biscayne Park orthodontist use to adjust teeth and jaw positioning. They protect individuals from various orthodontist issues, such as gum disease, tooth decay, jaw problems, and biting issues.
In power chain braces treatment, tiny brackets are placed on your teeth. A wire that passes through the brackets tightens your back teeth. This wire is adjusted frequently to move your jaw and teeth into a new position.
If you’ve already got braces on your teeth or are considering them, a power chain is an additional dental appliance that can be used simultaneously with other orthodontic treatments. This involves an elastic chain that the best orthodontist near me may use to provide extra pressure to teeth and jaw.
What are the Benefits of Power Chain Braces?
A power chain is often used when you’re already taking orthodontic treatment of traditional braces or clear aligners to address various issues. Some of them are as follows:-
- Align crooked teeth
- Modifying spaces between teeth
- Resolve the issue of rotating teeth
- Modify dental midline
Individual dental conditions may require the connection of some teeth by power chain braces, whereas others may require ligatures. In this way, orthodontists work passionately to treat the different dental conditions in various areas of your mouth. Power chains are available in different shades of colors similar to individual ligatures.
Exert more pressure
Power chains exert more pressure than individual ligatures. Orthodontists use them when they feel that teeth and jaws require more pressure in a specific area.
Easy to wear
Placing a power chain with braces is a straightforward process. Initially, Orthodontists will remove individual ligatures from the brackets and replace them with the rings of the power chain. On a spool, power chains are dispersed. In such a way, your orthodontist trims the length of the power chain for your braces.
What Are The Different Types Of Power Chains That Orthodontists Use?
Chain braces classified into three categories that are as follows:-
There is no space between the rings in this type of power chain. However, each ring is directly connected to the next ring in the chain.
There is a short distance between each ring in the power chain.
Each ring in the power chain has a longer distance.
Which type of power chain will be used for each patient depends on an individual treatment plan. You may need different types of power chains at various stages during the orthodontic treatment.
What Should I Do When Power Chain Breaks?
You don’t need to panic when you observe that braces break. Rinse your mouth with lukewarm water that helps to remove loose pieces. If you feel anxious or discomfort after that, contact an orthodontist immediately for their recommendations. Don’t eat hard or sticky food items until the problem can’t be resolved. Otherwise, the situation will worsen and may unnecessarily extend the treatment duration.
Summing It Up
Orthodontists may use single or double power chain braces to improve oral functions and the appearance of teeth. These braces are made of elastic material and consist of various connected rings. They’re placed along with existing braces to exert more pressure over the teeth, which helps close the gaps between teeth and properly align your jaw and teeth