Minoxidil Treatment: Does it Work for Hair Loss?
Hair loss can affect anyone, and when it does, proper treatments should be administered to help restore lost hair. Among the hair loss solutions are Hair transplant, PRP for hair loss, micro scalp pigmentation, and medications. This post will explore a hair loss medication called Minoxidil solution and foam to find out how it works and the kinds of hair loss treated with this medication. So, what is Minoxidil?
When you are affected by hair loss, the best thing to do before seeking treatment is consult a doctor. A skin specialist will properly examine your scalp to establish the cause and prescribe ideal treatment options. Some hair restoration treatments won’t work in certain hair loss conditions. That is why it is advisable to seek consultation first.
What is Minoxidil?
Minoxidil is available as a solution or as a foam. This hair loss medication is a good option for treating male pattern baldness. It won’t work well if hair thinning is happening at the front of the scalp or for treating receding hairlines in men. Both the foam and 2 percent minoxidil solution is helpful medication for growing hair in women who are undergoing thinning hair. Minoxidil comes from a category of drugs called vasodilators.
Telling exactly how this particular medication can help to grow hair is not easy. It is not an ideal hair restoration option for individuals who have sudden patchy hair loss conditions – if your family has no history of hair loss. Individuals who are suffering from hair loss and are under 18 years should avoid using Minoxidil.
How Minoxidil Solution is Used
- Minoxidil Solution
For Minoxidil to work properly, it has to be administered correctly on the scalp. Before minoxidil solution is applied to the patient’s scalp, the scalp area must be washed and dried first. It may also be applied to the scalp even when it is still damp. Using the solution demands filling the applicator with 1 milliliter of medication.
This translates to 20 drops of the drug; for the drug to be effective, before applying it, part your hair where thinning hair is experienced. After that, proceed to apply the solution evenly in thinning hair areas. Rub the solution into the scalp gently. Before using any other hair styling product, ensure that you have thoroughly dried your hair.
- Minoxidil Foam
If you intend to use the foam option of Minoxidil, you first need to rinse your hands using cold water and use a clean towel to dry your hands well. Once you have applied half a cup of foam into the scalp, rub it in gently. If you wish to style your hair or go to bed, then it is ideal that you allow the foam to completely dry.
If the patient has scalp irritation problems, the minoxidil medication should be avoided when he or she has used hair chemicals or hair color. Unless directed by your physician, you should avoid applying this drug to other parts of the body. Other body areas that should be avoided include skin with red areas, injured, irritating, cut, or painful areas.
The hands should be washed thoroughly after applying the foam to the scalp. Don’t touch your eyes with Minoxidil. If you accidentally touch your eyes with Minoxidil, use large amounts to rinse your eyes.
Minoxidil Side effects
- Applied areas may have redness and irritation
- Hair may start growing in other unwanted areas
- Headaches
- Since the solution version has more alcohol, skin irritation is rampant
If you were wondering what Minoxidil is, we hope that this article has given you the answer. With plenty of hair treatment options, you need to understand first what causes your hair loss. This is to allow the doctor to find the cause of the hair loss to prescribe affecting hair treatment solutions. We trust that this article exhausted everything you needed to know about Minoxidil and its use.