Do you have to pay for Hosting with WordPress?
One of the reasons for WordPress being popular is that it is open-source software. But if you are thinking about whether you have to pay for hosting or not, the answer is yes. However, if you set up or run the website, there is still some hidden cost behind it.
However, you can set up a basic and functional website for almost free. It is a good option to enhance your website using free and low-cost plugins and themes. For any further steps, you will have to work according to your budget. You can get all your services starting from domain name and web hosting to WordPress site from Navicosoft. We are among the preeminent web hosting companies in providing WordPress hosting.
Today let’s find the answer to the question “Is WordPress free?” We will discover all the hidden WordPress’ costs and how you can successfully set up a website with very little cost.
Is WordPress free?
The WordPress software itself is open source and absolutely free. You can go to and download the full WordPress software without bearing any cost. An open-source type of license guarantees the following:
Use WordPress for any purpose you want.
Modify the software as you want to see it.
Permission of redistribution of the source code.
Right to improve the program with modifications.
The Effort of Powering the WordPress software
Even though WordPress is free and open-source, you still need to power the software and make it accessible for users.
Therefore the minimum you can do is pay for hosting and domain name. Navicosoft is a fast and reliable WordPress hosting company. We facilitate you to run more than one site on a single WordPress hosting plan. Moreover, we are very competent with friendly and best technical support. We provide very easy and intuitive access to cPanel.
With web hosting, you are actually paying to rent a space on the server in order to run the WordPress software. Moreover, your domain name will build your brand identity and help your visitors to connect with web hosting. Hence, web hosting services and domain name are the essential costs that you must pay for hosting your website. However, there are other potential costs of running a WordPress website.
Free aspects of WordPress with potential hidden costs
Apart from a compulsion to pay for hosting and domain, other potential areas can potentially alter your WordPress website cost.
Support Services and Professional development
Plugins enhance the functionality of the website by adding multiple features and options. In contrast, themes help you to choose the layout and look that you want to match.
Considering the various themes, you have the option of thousands of free WordPress themes. Irrespective of the type of your website, there are high chances that you will find an excellent free theme. The more functionality you opt for, the more difficult it becomes. Some of the popular themes are re-built pages, robust page builders, and freely accessible assets.
If you are new at web development, the best approach will be to buy a premium theme. Opt for the one that makes building a website easier by giving access to features. However, spending additional money gives access to support and automatic updates from the developer’s side. You will want to ensure that you choose the right theme that provides regular updates with an active community.
WordPress offers you a whole variety of plugins available for free. In case if you are looking for extremely specific functionality, there is a good possibility that you will find an appropriate free plugin to fulfill your purpose.
However, there are a lot of plugins that are free versions of premium tools. Hence they don’t offer all the essential functional features. In some cases, only the premium versions are worth accessing the features only. The premium plugins are priced around $20-30 for a yearly license.
It is not feasible for every user to pay for premium versions using hundreds of dollars. It is rare that you will not find a free plugin. Generally, it is recommended that you save your budget for other features of running the website.
Support Services and Professional development
If you have prior experience of using WordPress, you do not need to pay for support services and professional development. However, if you do encounter any technical issues, you might need professional assistance.
That means, if you need to hire a professional developer for troubleshooting or any custom work, you might require hundreds of dollars as an additional cost. Fortunately, there are several online free support options as well.
Smarter Options for using WordPress
WordPress is free, along with many add-ons. But still, you will have to spend money on web hosting and domain. Luckily, Navicosoft provides you hosting services are very affordable prices so that you don’t have to worry about this aspect. Moreover, we offer WordPress hosting services at very reasonable prices with some amazing features. These features include unlimited monthly data transfers, 24/7 customer support, Email storage, and 99.95% Uptime.