Shop Handbags From Italy Online
Whether you’re going to work, hanging out with friends, or taking your vacation to the next level, a Gabs women’s handbag will complete any look. Discover our collection of genuine leather bags, all made in Italy.
A classic Italian handbag is a statement piece that’s meant to be worn for years. Authentic bags use genuine leather, which is stronger and more durable than cheaper imitations. Genuine leather also looks and feels different than faux leather, so you can be sure that your bag is high-quality. Some bags are even gilded with real 22-carat gold leaf, for that extra touch of luxury and opulence.
Cuoieria Fiorentina leather handbags are crafted by local artisans in Florence, using the same methods that have been used for generations to offer the finest quality in handmade Made in Italy bags. This is the result of a true passion for leather and an old-fashioned approach to manufacturing. Their timeless designs and exceptional quality are perfect for all occasions.
The name Miuccia Prada is synonymous with high fashion, and her granddaughter Miuccia Miu took the company to new heights when she launched her own line in 2017. Her collection of bags can be described as sophisticatedly feminine or girly and youthful, depending on what you choose.
Moschino has a more playful style than Prada’s, with designs that could make you think of a biker gang or a fashion show. Their bags feature a variety of materials, colors, and shapes, from leather that is soft to the touch and has a natural grained finish, to bold patterned prints or studs that add an element of surprise.italian bag manufacturers