All You Need To Know About The Extinct Chubutensis Shark
The chubutensis shark is considered to be the predecessor of the prehistoric mega toothed shark, megalodon shark. It is itself an extinct species of mega toothed shark. The shark managed to survive for around twenty-three million years in the fossil record and disappearing only a few million years before megalodon went extinct.
This species was completely dependent on the other fishes, sea turtles, cetaceans and sirenids in the sea for its food.
The genus of this species has remained in dispute for a while just like the other mega toothed species. A Swiss naturalist was the first one to identify this species in 1843and he identifies it as a species of Carcharodon.
The extinct species is still famous for its fossil teeth and some fossilized vertebral centra. As is known, shark skeletons are made of cartilage and not bone, and cartilage is rarely fossilized. Continents such as North America, South America, Africa and Europe are where the fossils of these species have been found. However, it has been observed that the fossils of the chubutensis shark are poorly preserved.
The teeth of the chubutensis shark are similar to the teeth of the megalodon, morphologically. However, the teeth of the former have been found to be comparatively slender with a curved crown with the presence of lateral heels feebly serrated. The teeth can approach can be up to 130 mm in slant height which according to the size estimation method in 12.2 m (40 ft) long.
It exhibits something like small cutting edge ‘bumps’ at the base of the crown of the teeth which are known to be the remnants of the side cusps which completely disappear with the megalodon shark teeth. Just like the megalodon shark teeth, the chubutensis shark teeth can also be used for cutting some things.
Many online websites offer an excellent collection of top quality chubutensis shark tooth for sale. However, before making your purchase, you must check if the website is reliable or not by checking the reviews by the other customers.
You can buy them for yourself if you are a fossil enthusiast but other than that, you can also gift it to someone known to you like your friend or your family member who takes keen interest in these types of things. Such a gift will be very valuable to them because it will depict that you deeply care about what they like and what they do not.
Author’s Bio: The author is an avid blogger. This article is about chubutensis teeth.