How to Make a Lava Lamp
A lava lamp is an ingenious way to demonstrate the physical properties of matter. It consists of a glass flask filled with a mixture of water and oil (optionally colored with food coloring). The liquids are hesitant to mingle because they have different densities, but when heat is applied from below (usually from a lighted incandescent bulb tucked inside the base) their densities become nearly identical. The lighter gas bubbles rise to the top of the flask where they escape into the air and the heavier oil sinks back down through the lava, creating a mesmerizing optical illusion.
The lava lamp was invented in 1963 by Edward Craven Walker, founder of Mathmos. It became a symbol of British pop design and the swinging ’60s. It even appeared in a 1965 episode of the hit TV show Doctor Who starring Patrick Troughton.
In the 1990s, the lava lamp enjoyed a brief revival thanks to the popularity of the film Austin Powers. However, tastes changed and the craze cooled. Today, Mathmos continues to make the Astro lamp in Dorset, England and exports millions of units annually.
It’s easy to make a homemade lava lamp, but it won’t work quite the same as a commercially made one. Be sure to use only household ingredients; flammable materials are not recommended. The easiest way to get started is by filling a clean, empty jar with water and adding some drops of oil. Then, add a few drops of food coloring and watch the magic happen.lampe à lave