RV Refrigerator Guys – How to Keep Your Norcold Fridge Running Smoothly
The RV Refrigerator Guys
The Norcold name has been synonymous with quality fridges in rigs of all shapes and sizes since 1959. They’re well known for making fridges that are capable of running on both propane and electricity and for being able to switch between the two with just the flip of a button.
s fridges use an absorption refrigeration process where they convert an ammonia solution from liquid to gas, then circulate it through metal coils that are surrounded by the fridge’s insulation. As the refrigerant passes through those coils, it absorbs the heat and changes back into a liquid so that the fridge can continue to cool.
The issue is that if the fridge gets really cold, that ammonia solution can become gel-like and restrict the flow of refrigerant through the coils. This can stop the fridge from being able to operate, so the Cold Weather Kit helps solve this problem by drawing 12V from the fridge’s back to power a heating strip in the weak solution tube – warming it just enough to prevent it from becoming gelatinous and stopping the cooling process.
While Norcold fridges are some of the most reliable on the market, things can still go wrong if you’re not careful. Check out these tips from RV Refrigerator Guys to keep your Norcold fridge in tip-top shape!norcold rv refrigerator