Dissolvable Quran Ruqyah Paper
Quran Ruqyah Paper
We have prepared a special dissolvable quran ruqyah paper. This paper can be used to make ruqyah water yourself, which can be used for drinking, washing and spraying. Simply put this ta’weez into a bowl of clean water, and recite al-Faatihah and the last three surahs of the Quran over it. Then, when you have finished, bury the ta’weez and its contents in clean earth. It is important to avoid inhaling the smoke from the ta’weez, as it could cause harm.
There are some scholars who differ in their opinion about this practice. Some of them say that it is forbidden, and others believe that it is permissible if there are certain conditions. The first condition is that the ink should be pure, because the Book of Allaah and His verses are not to be exposed to impurities. Secondly, it is not permissible to write the verses with blood, as some ignorant people do, because the Book of Allaah is not to be written on anything that contains blood.
Some people also add that it is permissible to use supplications instead of verses from the Book of Allaah, provided that they do not contradict the Shar’eeyah. But the supplications must be comprehensible, and they should not contain any name of Allaah, because if they do, they will include polytheism, and this is prohibited. Moreover, they must not be made of gold, as some people do, because it is an innovation and must be prevented.