Enhance SEO with Your Site Structure: Learn How to Make One
Your site structure could be one of the reasons why you aren’t ranking high on the SERPs. Every site has a structure and if yours is anything but streamlined, then that could be keeping prospective customers away from your pages. Here are top tips on how to create a structure that’s much better and by better, we mean that will attract the attention of your target market, get crawled and indexed, and will help you climb the SERPs.
Know Why It Matters
Before you proceed, you’ll want to get a good grasp on why structure is essential to your site. Plenty of site owners overlook this, with much of the focus dedicated to the visuals and content of the pages. But if you want to improve the SEO performance of your site, then you’ll need to pay attention to the site structure. Not only does a good one provide your customers with site links, but it also improves user experience, which improves consumer engagement.
Plan It Out Before You Start
A good plan will reduce mistakes and ensure a smooth and trouble-free process. If you plan on starting a new site from scratch, then it’s best to plan all the pages out. Draw it on a whiteboard or a spreadsheet or even on a word processor. Sketching out a hierarchy is enough to get your information organized. That’s simple and it will make it easy for you to set up the pages and the navigation as well as URL structure of the pages.
Create the Right URL Structure
When you work on your URL structure, check if the hierarchy you came up with was logical. If it is, then this should go easy for you as your URL structure should follow your hierarchy closely, ensuring ample keyword coverage. If you’re not quite sure how that goes, talk to experts. Think about hiring an organic SEO company to show you the ropes or even undertake this task for you.
Create the Site Navigation
This is usually done by coding in HTML or CSS. If you have no talent and skill in either one, that’s just another good reason why you’ll want to hire a team of pros to finish your site structure. Continue to ask questions, though. Keep an eye on the work so you learn from them how good site structure is made.
Talk About Navigation Structure
What is the most common type of navigation structure for websites? If you do your homework, you’ll find out that plenty of sites use a shallow depth navigation structure. These sites work well as they are effective, whether from a crawler or usability perspective. Wondering what a shallow site is? It’s basically a site that only requires a few clicks to reach every page. That’s much better than a site with pages that have a ton of buttons and require numerous clicks to get to every page.
Work on Your Header
Make sure you pick the right menu, match the menu elements to your site design, and add text links to further improve your onsite SEO.