What Are The 4 Groups Sorting Techniques?
Sorting in data structure is one of the most basic operations. It is a crucial component of numerous applications since it allows for practical data storage and retrieval.
Data elements in an array or list are rearranged using sorting techniques in data structures to make them easier to search for and retrieve. The difficulty of conducting a specific item search is decreased by sorting in data structures.
For instance, if you have a list of 10 things that are not categorized, searching for the complete list would take too long.
If the same list were to be sorted, finding a particular item would take significantly less time. Comparing two things and deciding which one should come first in a series can also be done using several sorting methods in a data structure.
This article delves into the four different data structure sorting techniques- comparison-based, non-comparison-based, stable, and unstable sorting algorithms.
We will look into these techniques and how they differ from one another.
Four Group Sorting Technique – Overview
It is impossible for a person not to know about sorting. You see, everything is organized accordingly in your drawer so that you can find things quickly. That is sorting. Similarly, sorting in data structure means organizing and arranging data in a specified way. Generally, any data is arranged alphabetically or numerically. Sorting denotes in which order the data will be placed.
For example, you must have noticed how words are arranged in a dictionary. They follow the alphabetical order. Similarly, the contact list on your mobile phone also follows the same order.
Unarguably, programmers look for a way to find their desired information quickly and efficiently when sorting algorithms. Therefore, when they receive a database of different numbers arranged randomly, they rearrange them in a specific manner. It can be in an increasing order or a decreasing order.
What are the 4 Groups of Sorting Techniques in Data structure?
There are primarily four groups of algorithm techniques. You must know all of them if you want to learn about algorithm techniques. The categories of algorithm sorting are as follows:
- Comparison-Based Sorting Algorithms
- Non-Comparison Based Sorting Algorithms
- Stable Sorting Algorithms
- Unstable Sorting Algorithms
Go through the groups thoroughly before you hop into the common types of sorting algorithms.
1.Comparison-Based Sorting Algorithms
As the name suggests, these are specified sorting algorithms that compare the sorted elements with each other. After the successful comparison, these algorithms place the elements according to their suitable order.
All the standard algorithms fall under this category. For example, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort, Selection Sort, and Merge Sort are comparison-based sorts.
2.Non-Comparison Based Sorting Algorithms
Unlike the comparison sort, these sorting algorithms do not follow any comparison rules. Instead, they follow some particular characteristics of each data. After they sort out their specific characteristics, the data is arranged accordingly.
Some examples of Non-comparison based sorting algorithms are Radix Sort, Bucket Sort, and Counting Sort.
3.Stable Sorting Algorithms
When a sorting algorithm arranges the elements in relative order, it is called a stable sorting algorithm. This sorting algorithm maintains the order with equal keys while sorting elements. Insertion Sort and Merge Sort are typical examples of Stable sorting algorithms.
4.Unstable Sorting Algorithms
This sorting algorithm does not follow any specific order and is rightfully named Unstable sorting algorithm. Unlike a stable sorting algorithm, it maintains no relative order with equal keys while sorting data. Heap Sort and Quick Sort are Unstable sorting algorithms.
4 Common Types of Sorting in Data Structure
As you have learned about the specific groups, it is time to discuss the techniques specifically. From the above discussion, you have already learned that Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, Selection Sort, and Merge Sort are the most talked about algorithms.
Let’s see what are these techniques in the following discussion:
- Bubble Sort
Let’s begin with one of the simplest sorting in data structures- Bubble Sort. Bubble Sort is a comparison-based sorting algorithm. It compares two adjacent elements and determines which one is smaller. If there are any issues like that, the bubble sort will swap them until they get their desired order.
For example, two elements need to be sorted in ascending order. If the minor element is after the bigger one, it will swap them to give the required order. After it is done, the Sort will move to the other one.
- Quick Sort
Quick Sort is a combined example of both comparison-based and unstable sorting algorithms. At first, this algorithm divides all the more extensive data arrays into multiple smaller arrays. It helps them to sort data more quickly and efficiently. In the second part, one element is chosen as the pivot element, and the partition of arrays takes place accordingly.
While a more extensive array is partitioned into two smaller arrays, the programmer ensures that one array is smaller and the other is more significant than the value of the fixed pivot. Then these two arrays are again compared and arranged accordingly.
- Selection Sort
Another common technique of sorting in the data structure is the Selection Sort. It is also a comparison-based sorting technique. This technique selects and divides the list of elements into two lists. The list on the left side is sorted, while the right contains the unsorted list. Now the smallest element of the unsorted list is swapped with the leftmost element of the same list. The process continues until the unsorted list becomes entirely sorted. Hence, the unsorted boundary moves to the right with every swapping.
- Merge Sort
Merge Sort is similar to Quick Sort but with a bit of dissimilarity. In this technique, the giant list is divided into two halves. Then another pair of halves are created to complement the previously formed halves. These two sets are merged to form a new pair. The programmer defines the merge function while carrying out the entire process.
The same lists again undergo multiple partitions and form several sub-lists until they reach their optimum limit. The sorted elements of one list are merged to form two lists of sorted elements.
Other Types of Sorting in Data Structure
While these are the most common groups of sorting in the data structure, there are many more types of techniques in algorithms. They are as follows:
- Insertion Sort
- Heap Sort
- Bucket Sort
- Counting Sort
- Radix Sort
Which Sorting in Data Structure is the Best?
You might be thinking about this question. It is a trick question to answer. Every sorting technique has its unique features. They are used in different databases as per their requirements. However, Quick Sort is very popular among programmers.
The function and outcome of this technique are quick and efficient. If the cardinality in DBMS is perfect, Quick Sort can finish its function more efficiently.
In short, sorting in the data structure is a way of arranging data to find all information quickly whenever needed. If you master all four groups of sorting algorithms, your journey as a programmer will be as smooth as your programming work.