A Guide to UK CBD
UK CBD is a growing and popular product that has been reported to offer wellness benefits to consumers. However, many people are still unsure about the laws and regulations surrounding this plant extract. This guide will provide a simple overview of the legality of CBD in the UK and explain some of the common misconceptions about this plant extract.
CBD is a natural compound found in the cannabis or hemp plant that has been shown to have numerous potential health and wellbeing benefits. This cannabinoid has been linked to reduced anxiety, increased sleep quality, improved mood and more. It can also help with pain relief, nausea, inflammation and other symptoms associated with various conditions and diseases.
Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive component of the marijuana plant, CBD does not have any side effects and is completely safe to consume. In fact, CBD is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative medicine to traditional pharmaceuticals. It can be consumed as a tincture, capsule, gummy or other edible form. In the UK, CBD products are regulated as food supplements rather than medicines, meaning that they must comply with certain rules regarding labelling and contain no more than 1mg of THC per 100ml of oil or other product.
To comply with the European Novel Foods Regulations, companies that manufacture and sell CBD must submit a Novel Food Application to the Food Standards Agency by 31st March 2021. This process can be complex, time consuming and expensive. However, there are a number of CBD brands that have already successfully completed this process and are able to continue selling their products in the UK.
As the market for CBD in the UK continues to grow, more and more companies are starting to realise that it’s important to produce high-quality products. This includes ensuring that all of their products are third-party lab tested and made with only the finest ingredients. It’s also vital to adhere to strict guidelines on how and where the hemp used to make the products is sourced.
One such company that has embraced these guidelines is Blessed CBD. They are a UK-based CBD brand that has produced a number of high-quality tinctures, edibles and other CBD products. Their bestselling tinctures are perfect for those looking to get a daily dose of CBD and are available in strengths ranging from 250mg to 500mg. The company is also renowned for their CBD rescue cream, which can be taken to relieve stress and anxiety, as well as helping with sleep, pain relief and skin conditions. Their CBD gummies are a tasty and convenient way to enjoy this product on the go, with each gummy providing a precise amount of CBD. They are also gluten free, vegan and free from pesticides. For more information about their products, you can visit their website here.