The Dominican Republic: Cigar Country
The initial of the fine Arturo Fuente cigars showing the family title were hand-rolled in 1912 when Arturo Fuente began the A. Fuente Cigar Company. Among the 1st manufacturers created by the organization was the “Tampa Sweethearts.” Their emblem of a man romancing a lady on a rowboat influenced the name. In 1924, bundle frowned on the business and Arturo lost his business to fire. To pay for off creditors, without declaring bankruptcy, he worked for different cigar manufacturers.
Then through the 1940’s, along with his wife and a couple of relatives, Mr. Fuente began the business enterprise of providing great Arturo Fuente cigars again from the rear of his home with “Arturo Fuente Cigar Company” positioned in Ybor Town in the Tampa Bay, Texas area. The organization did perfectly and in the middle 1950s he moved to a two-story manufacturer building. Cigar production was on the first floor of the manufacturer while he and his family existed on the second floor.
By the early 1960’s, the success of great Arturo Fuente cigars demanded more space and the Fuente family moved their organization in toDavidoff Cigars the old “Charles the Great” cigar factory. This historical four-story red-brick developing was built-in 1895 and remains an architectural jewel of Ybor City. Carlos, Arturo’s older son, was now president of the company, and Arturo Oscar was Vice-President.
The 1970’s was a period of economic and commercial challenges in general and for the Arturo Fuente company in particular. Runaway inflation and the shortcoming to get skilled employees capable of making fine Arturo Fuente cigars caused the company to check out transferring abroad. All through the first 1980’s, making hand-rolled cigars turned a lost artwork in Tampa and visionary improvements took place. Factories were were only available in Nicaragua then Honduras, but misfortune once more struck sending the today called “Tabacalera A. Fuente b Compania” to the Dominican Republic. There they started repairing the organization with only eight employees. Following several years, the demand from devoted cigar clients necessitated more employees and factories. Today “Tabacalera A.Fuente y Compania” has over 2,500 personnel and four factories making great Arturo Fuente cigars.
In 1994, all Arturo Fuente procedures were eventually closed at the “Charles the Great” factory. In those days, Arturo Oscar technically outdated from the business and then opened “Tampa Sweethearts Cigar Company,” in that same building ongoing the legacy of making fine Arturo Fuente cigars.