Exploring the Comprehensive Features of Davis’ Drug Guide for Nurses
The nursing-focused edition delivers everything nurses need to know about drug information with well-organized monographs. Look for high alert and patient safety coverage plus additional Medication Safety Tools, more Pedi, Geri, OB, and Lactation headings, and the most trusted name in drug guides. Medical Dental
Identify medications with a potential for harm with a red tab in the upper right corner of the drug monograph. Also find detailed information on the strength and availability of dose forms.
Medications Covered
The 17th edition features 643 well-organized monographs encompassing hundreds of generic drugs and thousands of trade names. Its nursing-focused ‘Cure & Care’ ‘Cure’ approach makes it the perfect tool to help nurses apply the nursing process to pharmacotherapeutics.
Each drug section includes a description of the drug?s mechanism of action, assessment guidelines, precautions, and patient teaching tips. Drug-drug, drug-food, and drug-natural product interactions are also covered.
The Contraindications portion identifies diseases or clinical situations in which the drug should not be used or that should be used with caution. Medications that may cause severe, potentially life-threatening side effects are identified by red lettering in the Precautions portion. An additional article, “Medication Errors,” familiarizes the reader with system problems and clinical situations frequently implicated in medication errors.
Special Considerations
Easily find information that applies to your nursing practice. This edition offers expanded coverage of dosage & administration, contraindications, side effects, and interactions. Also, you will find a more detailed listing of available dose forms such as tablets, suppositories, injections, oral concentrates, and sustained-release/extended-release formulations.
More in-depth high alert and patient safety coverage helps nurses administer medications confidently. New REMS (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies) icons are highlighted for drugs that require special monitoring or education of patients. In addition, the Pedi, Geri, and OB headings identify special concerns for older adults and children; IV Administration subheads provide details on drug solutions, concentrations, and rates; and pharmacology content provides a step-by-step guide to applying the nursing process to pharmacotherapeutics. Also included are the latest National Patient Safety Goals and standards.
High Alert Medications
The most trusted, up-to-date information on medications nurses need
Davis?s Drug Guide for Nurses, twelfth edition puts safety first and emphasizes the information that is most relevant to nursing practice. Well-organized monographs on hundreds of generic and thousands of trade name drugs reflect the latest FDA approvals and changes.
The drug classification section includes important information on the drugs’ mechanisms of action, assessment guidelines, precautions, side effects, and interactions, as well as a listing of drugs in each therapeutic class. Indications and dosages, route of administration, contraindications (including situations in which drug use is absolutely not advised), sedation, and patient teaching information are also covered.
Look for the new high alert tab on appropriate medications; extensive patient safety coverage in 16 appendices; pedi, geri, and OB/Lact headings to focus on special concerns; IV administration subheads; and pharmacogenomic content.
Lab Test Considerations
For nurses who need to administer medications quickly, accurately, and safely, this book is a reliable resource. This edition is updated with high-alert notices and patient safety coverage to help ensure that nurses have all the information they need for safe drug administration.
The nursing-focused monographs cover hundreds of generic and thousands of trade names in a format that puts patient care at the center. Emphasis on the nursing process and pharmacotherapeutics helps readers apply the nursing process to drug therapy and understand how a patient?s responses to a drug are assessed.
Medications in the same therapeutic class share similar assessment guidelines, cautions, and interactions. Look for these in the Classification Profile section of the monographs. Other helpful features include the Pedi, Geri, and OB sections that highlight important patient population considerations.
Toxicity and Overdose
With new toxicity and overdose coverage, the book alerts nurses to therapeutic serum drug concentrations that must be monitored and drugs with antidotes. Additionally, a Toxicity and Overdose tab points to signs and symptoms of overdose and to special considerations for specific patient populations.
The Classifications Profile summarizes the common mechanisms of action, assessment guidelines, cautions and interactions for each therapeutic class. The guide also includes a list of medications in each class.
Expanded supplemental material in 14 appendices thoroughly addresses medication safety issues. Plus, new Pedi, Geri, OB, Lactation and Rep headings highlight important nursing implications.