Epistemology in Hindu Thought: Mimamsa Advanced Course on Bhatta School | HUA
Epistemology is an important area of study in both the Vedic and non-Vedic streams of the Indic knowledge system. Each of these knowledge systems builds a science of knowledge by looking at what people can know, what they can assume but not see, and what they can’t know. Even though the school of Purva-mimamsa is best known for its theories about hermeneutics, it also has some important theories about how we know what we know. When talking about what can be known in a thought system, Hindu knowledge systems often talk about and describe knowledge itself in very precise ways.
Content of the Mimamsa Advanced Course:
In this class, you will learn about Kumarilabhatta’s philosophy of the Bhatta school of Purva-mimamsa. A text called Manameyodaya, which is required for this study, looks at how different kinds of knowledge are organized and what they mean, as well as how each kind of knowledge is different from the others.
Students in this class will be able to:
Learn and use ideas of both empirical and non-empirical ways of knowing.
Appreciate the way that the Bhatta school of Purva-mimamsa sorts things.
Learn to appreciate the fact that Hindu information systems are complex and precise.
CONTACT — 407–205–2118
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EMAIL- saksham.mangwana@hua.edu
Address- 5200 Vineland Rd 125 Orlando, FL 32811