Birth Flower for Virgo
Virgos have a reputation for being the kind parents of the zodiac. Put together birthday bouquets with flowers associated with its zodiac sign. Some zodiac flowers are the Narcissus, poppy, eucalyptus, veronica, and buttercup. The beginning of the harvest season in August and September is when Mother Goddesses are often honored.
Despite their bright red hue, poppies have always represented innocence and peace. Virgos born in August have a special connection to this flower since it is also the sign’s natal flower. Virgos are known for being restless, cool, collected, and even serious. A common misconception is that Virgos lack personality. They don’t need to yell or put on airs to convey their point. Although Virgos tend to be the group’s spokesperson for a certain cause, don’t expect them to try to dissuade you from making poor decisions. They will watch from a distance and hope that their forecasts come true. Then they’ll aid you in putting the parts back together.
Those born in September may claim the aster as their Virgo zodiac flower for the month because of its strong connection to Virgo. Purple asters in particular are a sign of the Virgoan virtue of knowledge. Virgos are perfectionists who utilize their earth-sign tenacity to improve their knowledge and talents always to be correct constantly.
Generalizing Virgos as a whole would be inaccurate, although unorganized Virgos are very uncommon. This is perhaps why buttercups are so beloved; their simple shapes and soft petals are aesthetically pleasing. Idealism-driven Virgos would rather have a neat bouquet they can arrange in order than a rough mass of leaves and awkward hues since a muddy and congested environment leads to a dirty and cluttered house.
The Narcissus flower probably wouldn’t have a good reputation if not for the Greek myth of the narcissistic Narcissus. Thankfully, these graceful blossoms have come to represent growth and renewal. That which Virgos take pleasure in and from which Narcissus may have benefited.
These blooms are available for purchase via our birthday flower delivery Dubai.