Automation Solutions for CRM, Pipeline Management, and Sales Funnels
Small businesses need a strong online presence to succeed in today’s digital age. However, building an online presence can be challenging for small businesses with limited resources and expertise. Fortunately, there are various marketing solutions available that can help boost a small business’s online presence. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the most effective Automation solutions for CRM, pipeline management, and sales funnels that small businesses can use to improve their online presence.
Rescale Solution Systems
Rescale Solution Systems transform your customer experience and supercharge your business growth with our all-in-one software. Our goal is to make it effortless for small businesses to connect with their customers quickly and easily, through a range of features including texting, live chat, reviews, and referrals. With our powerful tools, you can streamline your customer engagement, enhance satisfaction, and drive success for your business.
Our platform offers a range of plans to fit your specific business needs. We provide an Essentials plan for individuals or start-up essentials, priced at $212/month. This plan includes review management, messaging, webchat, and 1,000 SMS credits for up to three team members. Our most popular plan, Professional, is priced at $335/month, and includes all the features of the Essentials plan, plus full customer support access, unlimited team members, payments, CRM, unlimited leads/contacts, and auto missed call text back.
Support to Small Businesses During These Challenging Times
During these challenging times, we understand that small businesses need support now more than ever. That’s why we’re offering our platform for free for three months to help your business grow and thrive. Our suite of competitive-edge tools can help your business grow and thrive. We guarantee that our platform is better than what you’re currently using today, which is why we’re giving it away for three months to save you money, time, and effort.
To get these three months for free, we only ask one thing of you — to teach us about Jesus and what you know about Him. We will have two meetings every month where you can tell us about your walk with YASHUA, share your favorite verse, and more. As you help us grow in what matters, we’ll also help you grow. “For it is His work and not mine.”
Plans & Pricing
Our platform offers a range of plans to fit your specific business needs. We provide an Essentials plan for individuals or start-up essentials, priced at $212/month. This plan includes review management, messaging, webchat, and 1,000 SMS credits for up to three team members. Our most popular plan, Professional, is priced at $335/month, and includes all the features of the Essentials plan, plus full customer support access, unlimited team members, payments, CRM, unlimited leads/contacts, and auto missed call text back.
Are you willing to let your competition gain the upper hand? Without taking advantage of this offer, that’s exactly what might happen. They could invest in expensive technology that leaves your business behind. But we’re giving you access to the same technology for free. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to level the playing field and keep your business competitive. Do the math and act fast.
In conclusion, we invite you to join our community and take advantage of this unique opportunity. We’re confident that our platform will exceed your expectations and help you achieve your business goals faster and more efficiently. Join us today, save money, and grow your business.
“Commit Everything You do to The LORD. Trust Him, and He Will Help You.” -Proverbs 16:3