7 Major Benefits of Pellets De Madeira and Hardwood Charcoal That Force You to Buy
Pellets De Madeira is compressed wood particles that are used as fuel. They are already commonly used in some parts of the country but are growing in popularity as the cost of primary fuels increases and concerns about global climate change increase. This information sheet is a brief introduction to wood pellets and is useful for those interested in using or making wood pellets.
The advantages of wood pellets and the method of making and using pellets are discussed. The decisive advantage of Pellets De Madeira heating is the exceptionally low emissions. Dry fuel, electronic combustion air control, and hot combustion mode ensure optimal and clean combustion.
Zilka Biomass Energy’s Pellets De Madeira offers significant environmental and clear financial benefits to customers but also provides a solid future market for domestic companies that supply fuel, manufacture, install and maintain heating equipment.
Even when bought already chopped and dried (and thus “processed”), wood is cheaper than pellets and its price has remained stable over time without significant changes. So if you are looking for the best place to buy Pellets De Madeira online, contact Zilka Biomass Energy. We offer you the best quality Pellets De Madeira at an affordable price.
What is the use of Pellets De Madeira?
- House heating, heat distribution
They can be used in stoves and ovens with pellet heating. They can be combined with pipes, boilers and heating radiators to build a home heating system. Wood pellets are clean, with little ash residue. It is convenient to store, carry and use.
- Fuels for industrial boilers
Pellets De Madeira is used in industrial boilers as an alternative to coal and natural gas. The problem with conventional fuels is usually pollution or high price. Wood pellets are carbon neutral and contain little sulfur or nitrogen.
- Production of electricity for heat and gasification
Wood pellets are also used as fuel for the production of heat energy and gasification energy. It has a high calorific value and low emission of pollutants. Many countries have implemented policies to promote biomass power generation.
Where can you buy the Hardwood Charcoal?
Hardwood Charcoal is basically a black substance produced by burning wood. It is a dirty carbon residue that remains after burning wood. It has an unpleasant smell and floats on water because it is porous and brittle. It also conducts electricity and heat poorly. Hardwood charcoal is used for many purposes. It is one of the main sources of cooking in most villages. Because it produces better heat, it is considered better than burning wood.
It is also used for grilling food as it is available in small pre-formed blocks. When talking about charcoal, most people think of it as cooking charcoal. Charcoal is known to be much better than wood for the following reasons: it has a higher calorific value than wood, lower ignition temperature than wood, less air pollution, and better smell.
Therefore, it is widely used for outdoor grilling and cooking in the backyard and on trips. Its use as a fuel was crucial in the development of metallurgy. Thus, our charcoal is an ideal fuel for forges and is still widely used by blacksmiths. It is also an excellent reducing fuel for making iron and has been used since Roman times.
Thus, coal has been used for a wide variety of purposes since early times, including art and medicine, but until now its most important use has been as a metallurgical fuel. Zilka Biomass Hardwood Charcoal is also important for chemists, gardeners, households, etc.
What are the Benefits of Pellets De Madeira?
- Clean and easy to use
Madeira pellets are relatively cleaner and safer than coal. They do not emit air-polluting gases in the form of sulfur oxides. Biomass pellets are also easy to transport and store.
- High caloric value and cost-effectiveness:
The calorific value of Pellets De Madeira is 17MJ/kg, which is cost-effective compared to a much cheaper price.
- Environmentally friendly
Madeira pellets are carbon neutral, which means they only emit as much carbon dioxide as they absorb during growth. They do not release other air-polluting gases into the air.
- Renewable
Pellets De Madeira are different from fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas, which are consumable (created over a very long time), because Pellets De Madeira are renewable because plants grow every year and we can have infinite biomass materials.
- Sovereign
The price of coal, oil, and gas is controlled by the government, especially at this time when the amount of fossil fuels is decreasing; no one can guarantee the stability of these prices. However, the price of pellets is under our control.
- Very effective
Nowadays, the pellet combustion system is more advanced than before due to its high efficiency and minimal emissions.