Wayne Crowsley moves to HR
After spending years in the management field learning the ropes, and developing people, Wayne Crowsley has decided to make a change in his life and career. He is going to brave a whole new world, similar to what he has been working on for his entire career, yet means a big change as well.
Wayne Crowsley has developed his management skills in the business for the last decade and has learned a lot in the process. During his own period of development he helped teach others along the way. This resulted in several shifts in the management structure of the company, creating new divisions and over a dozen different promotions. The company grew as a result of his teachings and the people around him working for him, whether it was above or below, often will tell you how hard he worked. He could be found sharing his stories or listening to others and it is exactly those people skills that have allowed him to be in his new position.
As of August, Wayne Crowsley is moving into the regional level of Human Resources. From that position he will overseas the 7 districts and 84 stores that he has come to work with over the years. He will be leading his team of 7 District Human Resources managers in becoming a stronger team and more available for each associate that has questions over any policy or concern with company matters. His experiences with the people in this region will continue to grow as he helps us along the same path, creating strength and friendships that we never knew we had.
Wayne Crowsley has been a great friend to many and will continue to do so. While his new position will not give him the same ability to travel and meet with all of you as often as he would like, he will still be seeing you as much as possible. For those of you that are new, expect to get a call or a meeting with Wayne Crowsley depending on your position that you applied for. He likes to meet and/or speak to all new employees and personally welcome them to the company.