6 Reasons You Should Keep Track of Your Travel Stories
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Camping and traveling can be an adventure. When you’re out in the wilderness, you may encounter some surprising situations you would never have experienced in daily life otherwise. Many of these can make great stories to relate to your friends and family. One idea you should take seriously is bringing a journal with you on your camping expeditions and vacations. Below are six reasons why you should keep track of your travel stories.
A Journal Produces Accuracy
One reason to keep a camper journal is to ensure that you do have an accurate record of your travels you can read over later. While certain strong events may be retained in the brain’s memory for the long term, the details can begin to become hazy and less distinct as time passes. Eventually, many things you thought were remarkable at the time may be forgotten completely. This is normal and part of how the human brain operates. People aren’t computers and can’t retain information verbatim indefinitely. However, you can do just that with a series of journal entries that do relate exactly what happened just after you experienced it.
A Digital Journal Can Include Media and Be Shareable Online
While the traditional option for a paper journal is always a great choice, you have more options with today’s technology. Instead, you can create a digital camping and travel journal. There are even specialized apps designed for that purpose. Digital journal entries will be more easily to share with your loved ones. You’ll be able to send them via email, text or social media. You’ll also be able to include digital media with your journal entries. This means your travel photos and videos can be included along with the journal entries to provide visual detail to what you’re describing. If you talked about seeing a moose, for example, you’ll be able to include videos or photos of said moose along with you writing.
You Could Publish Your Writings
One great thing about keeping a travel journal is you can later use those writings in other published efforts that could make you money. For example, since you enjoy writing, you may want to actually publish your writings as a travel log or tour guide book. You could also publish your writings on a travel blog. When you get readers, you can use your articles to pitch them specific ads related to travel, camping and more. When visitors click through these ads, you will make money. It’s an easy and fun way to add an additional revenue stream to your family’s income of up to 5 figures.
It Can Create a Great Family Heirloom
One thing children tend to remember most growing up is their vacations spent with family. While these children may some day grow and eventually move out of the house, the writings and other media included in a travel journal can become a time capsule. Your children will forever be preserved at the ages they were when those journals were created. You’ll be able to look back at them and relive those fun vacations and precious moments. These journals can then be transformed into family heirlooms passed on from generation to generation to give your grandchildren and their children a sense of what your family was like at that time.
It Can Create a Great Travel Resource
A travel journal can detail all the best camping spots, trails, photo opportunities, landmarks, attractions, restaurants and more in a given area or region. While it will be fun for you to catalog all this information, it can also be useful to others that may be interested in visiting the same places. It can be a travel resource you can share with friends and family who are so impressed with you travels that they want to recreate the same vacation. The journal can even be shared online to provide a fantastic resource to others you don’t know so even more people can enjoy the wonders of camping and travel.
It Can Allow You to More Thoroughly Enjoy Your Vacation
Journaling about your camping trips and other travel adventures can help give some substance to your vacation time. Not only will you be relaxing, but you will be exploring your writing skills and your sense of adventure. You won’t only be satisfied to write about taking a nap on a beach. Instead, you’ll want to see more interesting destinations and truly experience what they have to offer so you have something to write about that’s actually captivating. In that sense, it will help to enhance your travels so you really enjoy both the journey and the destination.
Overall, journaling can really enhance your vacations and camping trips. It can give you something to pass on to others. It could even act as a great travel resource online. Whatever the case, it’s one vacation activity you should highly consider.