10 Best Defense Operators In Rainbow Six Siege
These are some of the best Operators for Defense in Rainbow Six Siege.
Attackers and Defenders fighting each other is what makes Rainbow Six Siege so interesting. Also, since each team can use so many different operators, the replay value is unbeatable. There’s a good reason why the game has stayed popular for so long.
But from the point of view of the Defending team, which operators are the best? For new players, trying to figure it out on their own can be scary, but this list is here to help! Here are the ten best Rainbow Six Siege operators for defense.
Since the game first came out, Jager has been on top, mostly because of his active defense systems. Because Rainbow Six Siege is a tactical game, his ability to stop most projectiles is way too powerful.
But even without his special gadget, he still has a good reputation because his 416-C Carbine assault rifle is one of the best in the game. When Ubisoft took away his ACOG sight, he lost the ability to spawn-peek, but that didn’t make him much less useful overall.
Doc’s job as the main healer for defenders has been taken over almost entirely by Thunderbird. Thunderbird is a roamer who is very aggressive and can place small healing stations wherever the player wants. This means she doesn’t have to stay near her teammates as much. As a bonus, the healing stations can be moved if they need to be.
Thunderbird will be most useful if you know a lot about maps, but she is still pretty easy to learn. Her main weapons do the job, but her secondary machine pistol is not a gun to take lightly.
Kaid has been in the meta for a long time. His electric claw is a natural counter to most attacker abilities, so he has stayed there. The gadget has a huge range, and if you place it right, it can even clip through walls! This little thing is what makes him so strong.
Kaid is just a better version of Bandit, if we’re being honest. Unfortunately, the addition of impact EMP grenades has made him a little weaker, since they can easily destroy electronic devices. Still, a skilled Kaid player will know how to place their electric claw in a way that makes it less likely to get EMP’d.
Frost might not do as well in high-ranked matches, but she is still a threat most of the time! Frost players will make their opponents afraid because dying right away on a frost mat is almost the most frustrating thing that can happen.
Frost mats should almost always be placed under major jump-in points like objective windows. This will give enemies as little time as possible to react. On top of all this, Frost’s weapons are easily some of the best in the Defender’s arsenal.
Rook is by far the easiest operator for new players to use. His only job is to put the armor box down where his teammates can easily get to it and then move on. But even though his job is simple, that doesn’t mean it’s not important.
Rook’s gadget gives operators an extra layer of safety that can make the difference between life and death. But the armor is useful for more than just giving more health. It also makes sure that the person wearing it will always go down first instead of dying right away. That is, of course, if players don’t get killed by a headshot.
The Attackers have a hard time keeping up with Lesion because his Gu mines slow them down a lot. Just because he is in the match, his opponents will have to spend more time watching their steps, making them easy targets.
As a defender, Lesion is one of the best operators for controlling the map because he can block more than one entrance at once. He is always a good choice, whether you are a beginner or in the pro league. If you really want to be annoying, try putting Gu mines all over the objective sites. If an enemy steps on one, they will have to stop and get rid of it before they can do anything else.
Smoke is the king of choke points. You can’t say enough about how useful he is at stopping flanks and punishing enemies who are too aggressive. Smoke is one of the hardest operators to master, but if you take the time to learn how to use him, you’ll quickly realize how unique and important his kit is!
We strongly suggest that players use Smoke’s Shotgun as their main weapon, since the FMJ isn’t all that great. In fact, his second machine gun is almost as good as the first one. One thing to remember about Smoke is that he is an anchor, so play him passively until the end of each round.
Mute is a pretty typical defense operator, which isn’t always a bad thing. He is mostly in charge of stopping drones in their tracks and making sure enemies can’t break through walls that have been reinforced. Any player who uses Mute should keep these two things in mind.
He has average speed and armor, so he can be both a roamer and an anchor. Still, it’s a good idea to stay close to any gadgets you set down, so you’ll be the first to know if they’re messed with.
When Azami came out, it completely changed how Rainbow Six Siege was played. Her item is one of the most useful and useful for all play styles and strategies in Slope Game. The release of an operator hasn’t been this important in a long time.
Azami comes with a total of 5 Kiba kunais, and each one needs 30 seconds to recharge before it can be used again. When the enemy makes a strong push toward the objective, these powerful tools come in very handy. Unfortunately, Azami is not a good game for beginners. But if her power is so strong, does it really matter?
The Surya Gate, which Aruni has, is the only item in the game that can’t be destroyed. The fact that the gates are static makes Aruni more useful as an anchor, but she can also be a great roamer. Just make sure to put the gates in a place that will stop the enemy from getting in through the best way.
Players who use Aruni will be able to choose between the P10 Roni and the Mk 14. Both guns are great in their own ways, and the PRB92 pistol will be a good backup. When it comes to Aruni’s second tool, the Bullet-Proof Camera is a better choice overall.