How To Cut Women’s Hair
There are different types of women’s hair: long, curly, thick and so on. No wonder cutting a woman’s hair can be difficult especially when you have little experience. If you are about to begin your lesson, you need to understand some basics on how to cut women’s hair. Trim and layered are two common hair cut for women. In this article, you will discover basic hair cutting steps that can be applied to all type of women’s hair. So, how to cut women’s hair? Lets find out hop over to this website.
What’s the first step? Some people will say you need to determine which style to choose before you cut a woman’s hair. This is true but how can you choose the best hair cut for her? It is easy; ask your client what she wants because it will make your work a lot easier. However, you need your imagination to select which hairstyle match to her face shape. Well, some women prefer simple hair style and some prefer trendy hair style. The later is a little difficult compared to the former. Learn different women’s hair style as many as you can greatly benefit you. Combine all your tools. Remember, make sure you use sharp hair cutting scissors, a hand held mirror to let her see her back hair, and a spray bottle to wet the hair. Don’t forget to ensure all your tools are clean.
Then, this is the first step: comb her hair and wet it if necessary . Don’t over wet her hair as it will cause messy to her. Use a spray bottle to wet the hair evenly. After that take some hair clips and bring some of her back hair to the front. Start cutting a woman’s hair from the back. Never do the opposite. That’s the rule. After finish cutting her back hair, now is the time to gradually cut the front hair to whatever chosen style. If want to success on hair cutting lesson, you need to eliminate your doubt and enjoy cutting someone’s hair. The more you enjoy doing it, the more you will learn. You are making people look nice and smart, so you should feel happy about it.