NDIS Accommodation in Newcastle,Central CoastOrange,Hunter,NSW | NDIS Funding Service in Newcastle,Central CoastOrange,Hunter,NSW
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) helps people with disabilities to pursue their goals and live independently as participating members of the community. The NDIS emphasizes the importance of giving individuals with disabilities control over the decisions that affect their lives, by providing them with support and services that are deemed ‘reasonable and necessary’, and allowing them to make choices about how those supports are used. Before providing funding, each participant’s goals and specific needs are assessed by the NDIS to determine which supports are reasonable and necessary for them.
The NDIS has very strict funding criteria or laws regarding what should be funded in a participant’s plan. The terms “reasonable and necessary” are often used to describe the types of supports and services that are eligible for funding under the scheme. Each support included in a participant’s NDIS must meet the criteria of being reasonable and necessary but they need to meet the same criteria as a group of supports as well. To be considered ‘reasonable and necessary’, the support or service must be directly related to a participant’s disability and it should be value for money, which means the prices are fair. Reasonable and necessary supports must have a good chance of being effective and beneficial for the participant to reach their goals. The informal and other government supports of the participant are also taken into account by the NDIS before making a decision on which supports are found to be reasonable and necessary.
Classy Life is a registered NDIS service provider and we understand the dynamic nature of the reasonable and necessary criteria. As the participant’s needs, goals and circumstances change over time, the support and services that they require should be adapted accordingly. Contact us today and we will help you assess your needs and assists you in connecting with the right kind of support.