How Is Escort Service Different From Prostitution
Both escorts and prostitutes spend time with İzmir escort some person in exchange for money. It is their activities involved during the time spent together that determines whether a person is an escort or a prostitute.
Prostitution refers to the act of engaging in any sexual activity in exchange for anything of value from the client. In other words, it means offering to pay for sex with anything of value. On the other hand, escorting refers to paying someone for accompanying the client to an event or on a date. For example, escorting someone for a dinner date. Unlike prostitution, it does not necessarily include sex. Some prostitutes often disguise themselves as escorts to avoid getting in trouble. It is a very common practice and the police are aware of such practice. As in many countries other than India, prostitution is illegal but escort services are not. Hence, there are a few points that help distinguish an escort service from a prostitution service.
Escorts are usually socially adept, attractive, and presentable. They are a suitable companion for presenting to friends or colleagues. But this is not the case for prostitutes.
Escort service is legal in some countries as people are not getting paid for sex, whereas Prostitution is illegal. If someone is caught providing sex for money will be taken to jail and penalised.
Escorts are mostly considered part of the entertainment industry. They earn a huge amount of money and get the opportunity to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle. On the other hand, the workplace for prostitutes is a big concern as they give services in brothels that are usually unhygienic.