Spiritual Enlightenment – You Are A Miracle of Life
Yes you, you are not just unique you are a miracle, a course in miracles bookstore as are all living things on the planet. The conversion of the minerals, chemicals and all the elements with which this planet is composed into living things capable of reproducing and converting elements into living cells has to be a miracle.
This miracle, conceived by our creator is awe inspiring in its simple solution to the mind numbing complexity which enable living things to evolve and adapt to meet whatever conditions with which they are faced.
We have butterflies with wings delicate and fragile, plants surviving and flourishing from the arctic to the tropics, birds which journey across oceans. We also have the seas and the land with conditions in which an enormous range of living things are sustained and flourish. All of which are individual miracles.
From time to time, this complex balance becomes stressed as various forms of life, compete and adapt to changing physical conditions in an endeavour to ensure survival of their particular species, Some species loose this battle for survival while others adapt and flourish. Imbalances, for whatever reason they occur and often at the expense of those who do not adapt, are eventually rectified
In the past colossal physical events such as large asteroids are believed to have been the catalyst which has created situations where species are unable to adapt and disappear for ever. For the first time ever a species, the human species, by its ability to adapt has been responsible for the demise of many other species.