Good Click Through Rate – What Is The Secret Formula
Are you writing great, thoughtful articles ctr manipulation but not getting any results? A good Click Through Rate is one thing that can make the difference between success and failure of a campaign. So what is the secret to writing articles that achieve the end goal that is traffic and ultimately sales for your campaign?
If you are new to Internet Marketing and even if you have been doing this for a while and Article Marketing is your only way to attract traffic to your site or landing pages, then you need to write articles with a good Click Through Rate or CTR. You need to make every word count without spending all day writing one article. Here are a few tricks I learned that will increase you CTR.
Please note that I am not going to talk about keywords in this article as I am assuming you know about keywords and their importance and you already know how to make the best use of you keywords in your articles. If not you can refer to my blog which covers this and many other topics for beginners.
The title should be catchy and arouse curiosity while at the same time being short and absolutely relevant. If you write a title that is really interesting but is not relevant to your article’s content, your reader will feel cheated and hit the back button faster than they can blink. This is your first step to getting a searcher to click through to your article.