Focus Group discussion in Dubai
Systematic Market Research Consultancy conducts focus groups for any particular study the client asks for Focus Groups usually comprise 6-10 members who are experts in the field/ industry of research or are users of the product being tested. Focus Group discussion in Dubai
The discussion centers around a particular product and its market strategies. This group will have a moderator who will stimulate and guide the discussion amongst the members to derive the needed opinions and perceptions. Since COVID-19, focus groups are becoming more online, and conducting them over the internet over secured networks is something SMRC takes pride in. Best Market Research Companies in Dubai
The diversity of the members of the group based on ethnicity, gender, age, and back ground can provide the company with greater insights into product development. It also provides a safe and comfortable environment for the group to bounce off each other’s thoughts and ideas. The Focus group discussions (FGD) helps capture a range of beliefs, opinions, value, and experiences of a multitude of people for the same idea or product. What makes focus groups powerful is the impact of capturing the body language, facial expressions, or tone of voice of the participants in response to the subject of the study. This will help the brand understand how its brand image resonates with its target market.