Every part of the body is dependent on water. The functions of our glands and organs will eventually deteriorate if they are not nourished with good clean water. Water is an excellent solvent and assimilation of vital nutrients and proteins occurs through absorption of water. Metabolism, digestion, blood flow and cellular reproduction depend on proper water supply. Malaysian MRET Supplier
If your body isn’t properly hydrated, cells will draw water from your bloodstream, which causes your heart to work harder. Meanwhile, your kidneys can’t properly purify your blood, and when that happens, some of the kidneys’ workload is passed along to the liver and other organs, which can cause them to be severely stressed. Additionally, you can develop a number of minor health conditions such as constipation, dry and itchy skin, acne, nosebleeds, urinary tract infection, coughs, sneezing, sinus pressure, and headaches. Thus, clean water is essential to health. The water that we drink must be metabolically restructured before it is bio-available to our body. Pegasus Aqua MRET Water Activator does it for us.
Molecular Resonance Effect Technology (MRET) is patented by Igor Smirnov, Ph.D., US Patent No.6022479. During the process of activation the subtle low frequency electromagnetic field is imprinted into the water. It closely resembles the natural geomagnetic field found near the healing water springs. MRET Activated Water has modified molecular structuring, physical and electrodynamic characteristics and is compatible with the cell water dynamic multilayer molecular structuring described by Dr. Gilbert N. Ling. Such similarity contributes to easy bio-availability and fast assimilation of MRET water in biological systems. Due to its “super liquidity” MRET water easily penetrates through small porous and capillaries in the body, improves hydration and stimulates the proper function of cells in biological systems. MRET Water acts as a communication medium among the cells. It has many special physiological properties that make it ideal to help the body to restore its quota of properly structured bio-available water. MRET Liquid Activator
MRET Water supports the process of cellular regeneration by means of the hydration of cells with MRET Activated Water. It results in the proper function of cells and cellular structures which leads to normalization of metabolism and general revitalization of the body. MRET Water prevents cellular dehydration and slows down the process of aging closely related to the dehydration of cells. It improves the nutrient transport and assimilation as well as the detoxification of the body. The research conducted on MRET Water confirmed its antibacterial effect, as well as its ability to substantially increase the main factors of natural cellular resistance to infections and inflammations such as phagocytosys and immune responses, to inhibit the growth of mutated cells and to enhance the vitality of healthy cells.
MRET Activator is a household appliance, not a medical device. Any pure drinking water or other liquid food substances like milk, oil, juice or wine can be activated.
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