9 Keys to Avoid The Great Resignation
I’ve been doing a deep dive into research on The Great Resignation over the last few weeks. There are some things we just can’t control – and some things we can.
Knowing the difference and acting now on what we can control will make a direct impact on your ability to not only retain staff through The Great Resignation, which in turn will add to your bottom line, it will increase your staff’s wellbeing and engagement and decrease your own workload and stress.
I was thrilled when Fast Company picked up an old version of this model and published it in September: https://www.fastcompany.com/90679528/i-spoke-to-5000-people-and-these-are-the-real-reasons-theyre-qu…
And when Smart Company published the new version just last week: https://www.smartcompany.com.au/plus/great-resignation-nine-currencies-choice-staff/
Neither published the new graphic and I’m happy to unveil it here!
futureofwork #thegreatresignation #employeeretention