7 Scientific Reasons Behind Marble God Idol Worship
We are all religious people, following one faith or the other; otherwise, why else would you be here? And when it comes to praying to the deity of our choice, you might have noticed the prevalence of marbles. Sure, they look good, great even, but is that the only reason why they are so widely accepted? Or are there scientific reasons behind their use in marble God idol. Well, let’s figure that out, shall we? And to do that we will be looking at seven scientific reasons behind their prominent use.
Reason #1 – They Last Long & are Highly Durable
When we are talking about scientific reasons, there is no better place to start than discussing the longevity and durability of marble constructs. In one word, they are excellent. In fact, the constructs that are made from this material can last for centuries with proper care, no kidding.
Also, this material is also resistant to weathering and erosion, which also ensures that it remains intact and beautiful for generations.
Reason #2 – Their Aesthetic Appeal & Its Psychological Impact
Yes, you read that right – the natural beauty of this material not just looks great but it also has a positive impact on our mental well-being. It is well-documented how the presence of marble temples in one’s home creates a serene and peaceful environment. It not only improves the spiritual experience of the devotee but also promote a sense of calm and well-being.
Reason #3 – Because of Their Hygienic and Non-Porous Nature
Do you know that this material is actually quite hygienic? This is because it is less likely to harbour bacteria and mould. The non-porous nature of this surface also makes it easy to clean and maintain. All of these contributes to a healthier environment, not just for your spiritual practice but also for your household.
Reason #4 – They Regulate Temperature
Marble is a material that is well-renowned for its ability to maintain temperature. Who amongst us hasn’t experience the cool marble even during the scorching heat. Now this is possible because of its excellent thermal properties, which allows the material to maintain a cooler surface temperature. The end result? A comfortable to touch material. But it also enhances the overall ambiance when used in Moorti creation.
Reason #5 – Sound and Vibration Qualities
Yes, it is also one of the scientific reasons behind their prevalent use. If you never seen this material’s acoustic ability working at its max, then you definitely are missing out. The use of this material results in enhancement of acoustics and reducing of unwanted vibrations in a space.
And its dense nature also helps as it creates a more serene and focused environment, which we all can agree is useful during prayer time.
Reason #6 – Improved Spiritual Atmosphere Due to Connection to Earth’s Energy
This material has a direct connection with the natural energies of our planet. Even the raw materials that are used in its creation emit positive energy. So, is it any surprise that its use results in improved spiritual atmosphere.
Reason #7 – Symbol of Purity and Spirituality
Finally, we must point out how this material is considered pure in spiritual circles. This is due to its unblemished and pristine appearance. This naturally makes it the perfect choice when connecting with the divine.
Final Thoughts
There you have it, a brief but useful answer to your query. And now if you are thinking about getting that Sai Baba idol, reach out to Sai Shradha Moorti Art.