6 Tips for School Headphones That Work Like Charm
It’s a part of teaching that is inevitable: sometimes, your classroom supplies get lost, broken, or stolen. We can help with school headphones, though they are not uncommon.
These tips can help protect your headphones from being damaged or lost, and make them last for a whole year.
Proper School Headphone Storage
The first thing that can fail with headphones is the cords. If your headphone’s cords get tangled, it’s more likely that they will catch on something or separate from the unit. However, if the cords are too tight around the headset you run the risk of fraying or bending them.
Your cords should be kept neatly separated and not too tightly wound. These 6 Tips for Organizing Classroom Headphones will help you clear clutter and keep your learning headsets, or earbuds for school in top condition.
Replacement Covers for School Headphones
You can reuse your learning headphones year after year, or even share them with students. Replaceable Headphone Covers will protect your investment and keep your headphones clean for your students. These covers are great for hygiene and cleanliness and prevent the spread of disease and lice.
Cleaning School Headphones
You can save even the most shabby pair of headphones with a little bit of cleaning. The most important part of a pair of headphones to clean is the earpieces.
Most over-ear headsets will keep their earpieces clean by just normal usage. You can simply remove any stray hairs and clean the headset using a skin-safe cleaning agent.
You can remove foam ear cushions and wash them with a little soap (such as a plain castile soap) until they dry completely. Then, you can return the headset to its original state. You should not use harsh cleaners on leather ear cushions. Instead, you can wipe them with water or a special headset cleaner.
Earbuds may require more frequent cleaning because they are more susceptible to catching wax than regular headphones. Earbuds are more delicate than other headphones so you might be careful about what cleaner you use. You can use a headphone cleaner, or a 1 to 4 solution of water and gentle soap. Use the solution to clean the earbuds.
It will be easier to locate lost headphones if you label them with numbers or student names. Consider adding a sticker to each pair of headphones if each student has their own pair.
You can label your headphones with numbers if students are using the same headphones, or if you intend to reuse them next year. Each student should be assigned a number and you will keep a record. You’ll be able to identify which students to contact first if a set is lost.
Selecting the Best Headphones For Your Class
A high school classroom will require different headphones from an elementary classroom. You should invest in headphones made for children if you are teaching younger grades.
A flexible plastic is used to make these headphones less likely to break or bend. These headphones often feature thicker cords, which are stronger and more resistant to being bent or separated from the unit.
Teach Students Proper Use
Students can be very rough with classroom equipment, from kindergarteners to seniors. As a reminder, go over some ground rules with students.
These are some guidelines that you might want to give your students:
When removing headphones from the computer, or any other device, be gentle. Static can result from pulling on the cords.
Avoid twisting or bending wires. This can lead to poor audio quality and bend the wires.